Discovery 1
There is an amazing API, similar to jQuery in order to manipulate DOM to compile graphics chart, called D3.JS - Data-Driven Documents -
Discovery 2
There is a chart engine named NVD3 - , built on D3.JS , which allows you to employ reusable chart components in your Javascript applications .
Discovery 3
There is an Angular.JS module called AngularJS-NVD3-directives , which integrates the NVD3 chart components into Angular.JS directives, allowing them to be used natively in their Angular applications. JS .
The Open Source Solution for MEAN Stack
You can integrate AngularJS-NVD3-directives components with Pentaho RESTful services via Mongoose accessing your MongoDB data to build control panels dashboards and scoreboards) for your applications.
You will still need to write code to integrate each of the components of a control panel such as grid layout, themes, field projection and visibility, filtering, ordering, pivot tables, and chart charts.
Today, the process of developing control panels is not simple and straightforward, but you already have an open source solution good enough to design impressive applications.