I would like to know how to get a value that is inside one of an external URL to use in a given calculation.
Example: link I want to get only the value for Soja s / Royalts, which is within this span: 56.50
I would like to know how to get a value that is inside one of an external URL to use in a given calculation.
Example: link I want to get only the value for Soja s / Royalts, which is within this span: 56.50
In your case, the tag you want to get has no id or anything to identify it, so you can only get the value by its index:
// Desabilita erros da libxml e permite que o usuário obtenha informação do erro como necessitar
$html = new DOMDocument();
$spans = array();
foreach($html->getElementsByTagName('span') as $span)
$spans[] = $span;
echo $spans[4]->nodeValue;
You can use a PHP Client that processes DOM
of the document that is in this URI.
One component that can help you is the Goutte :
use Goutte\Client;
$client = new Client;
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://www.agropan.coop.br/cotac.htm');
$crawler->filter('span')->each(function ($node) {
print $node->text()."\n";