Link HTML elements


I'm trying to make a project just to learn more about HTML5 , CSS3 and Javascript . In this project I have a div that is type a panel and another div that would be a square that I would put inside that panel . I'm using drag and drop to be able to drag these elements around the screen.

My question is: how could I do when I put div inside panel it binds to it and when I try to drag panel , I drag it and div ? And does this panel automatically adjust itself to the size of div ?

This happens on the scrumwise site.

The code I already have is this one:


 <div class="panel panel-success" id="panel">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h3 class="panel-title">Qualquer texto</h3>
            <div class="panel-body">



<div style="width:100px; height: 100px; background-color: black;" id="div">


The javascript

 <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {

Another thing, I'm using bootstrap too!

asked by anonymous 23.01.2016 / 15:45

1 answer


Look at this example I made in JsFiddle .

The javascript was this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    accept: ".div",
    drop: function() {
        background: "red",
        height: "auto",
        width: "auto",
        display: "inline-block"
      $(".panel .panel-body").css({
        height: "auto",
        width: "auto"
      $('.div').appendTo(".panel .panel-body");
        position: "relative",
        left: 0,
        top: 0
    hoverClass: "hover"

First, I set div.div and div#panel to .draggable() . After that I use .droppable in #panel , so that drop is possible.

The .droppable receives as an argument an object that has the following keys:

  • accept - element acceptable at drag time.
  • drop - callback to be called after drop down .
  • hoverClass - class triggered at time of drag .

The callback of drop , causes div#panel to match the element "loose",

and I make a .draggable('destroy') in the .div so that it is no longer possible to drag it. Then I add this div to div.panel-body , of its #panel . And I change some of the% css of% css so it does not get badly adjusted.

In%% use only a dash, for drag tagging.

The rest of css you can see in fiddle , is quite simple.

I hope you have helped.

23.01.2016 / 16:45