problem with update Entity Framework 6


This is my upgrade method:

public dynamic Atualizar(TEntity obj)
    dynamic data = null;
    using (ClassContexto ctx = new ClassContexto(ClassMaster.conexao()))
            ctx.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Modified;                    
            data = "200";
        catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
            data = e.EntityValidationErrors;
        catch (Exception erro)
                data = erro.InnerException.ToString();
                return data;
                data = erro.Message.ToString();
                return data;
    return data;

I have a Poi class, which has a collection of contacts. To save, I pass an object of type Poi with a collection of contacts. It works right.

The problem is to do update, I pass the same Poi object (with a collection of contacts) to the above method, but it only changes the Poi table. Is there something wrong with the method?

This is the test method. Here's how I populate objects:

    public void updatePoiContato2()

        poiModel.t0031_id_poi = 56;
        poiModel.t0030_id_tipo_poi = 2;
       // poiModel.t0030_id_tipo_poi = poiModel.t0030_id_tipo_poi;
        poiModel.t0031_razao = "TESTE UPDATE" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
        poiModel.t0031_fantasia = "TESTE UPDATE" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
        poiModel.t0031_cnpj_cpf = "12.935.236/0001-97";
        poiModel.t0031_ie_rg = "234234324234";
        poiModel.t0031_situacao = 1;
        poiModel.t0031_dt_cadastro = poiModel.t0031_dt_cadastro;
        poiModel.t0031_alldata = poiModel.t0031_razao + poiModel.t0031_fantasia + poiModel.t0031_cnpj_cpf + poiModel.t0031_ie_rg;

        PoiContatoModel model1 = new PoiContatoModel();
        model1.t0031_id_poi = 56;
        model1.t0033_id_contato = 6;
        model1.t0033_nome_contato = "TESTE UPDATE";
        model1.t0033_tipo_enum = "CELULAR";
        model1.t0033_valor_enum = "41-9174-3185";

        PoiContatoModel model2 = new PoiContatoModel();
        model2.t0031_id_poi = 56;
        model2.t0033_id_contato = 7;           
        model2.t0033_nome_contato = "TESTE UPDATE";
        model2.t0033_tipo_enum = "CELULAR";
        model2.t0033_valor_enum = "41-9174-3185";

        ICollection<PoiContatoModel> contatos = new List<PoiContatoModel>();

        poiModel.Contatos = contatos;            

        var result =, "100", "a");
        Assert.AreEqual(true, result.Contains("200"));
asked by anonymous 14.04.2015 / 21:05

1 answer


In fact it will not work for editing. When you do:

    PoiContatoModel model1 = new PoiContatoModel();
    model1.t0031_id_poi = 56;
    model1.t0033_id_contato = 6;
    model1.t0033_nome_contato = "TESTE UPDATE";
    model1.t0033_tipo_enum = "CELULAR";
    model1.t0033_valor_enum = "41-9174-3185";

    PoiContatoModel model2 = new PoiContatoModel();
    model2.t0031_id_poi = 56;
    model2.t0033_id_contato = 7;           
    model2.t0033_nome_contato = "TESTE UPDATE";
    model2.t0033_tipo_enum = "CELULAR";
    model2.t0033_valor_enum = "41-9174-3185";

    ICollection<PoiContatoModel> contatos = new List<PoiContatoModel>();

    poiModel.Contatos = contatos;

You are recreating your two contacts, not updating your existing contacts. As much as the information is the same (even with the Ids mentioned), the Entity Framework does not therefore understand to check that the contact lists are not the same.

The correct would be as follows:

var poi = contexto.Pois.Include(p => p.Contatos).SingleOrDefault(p => p.t0031_id_poi == 56);
poi.t0030_id_tipo_poi = 2;
// poiModel.t0030_id_tipo_poi = poiModel.t0030_id_tipo_poi;
poi.t0031_razao = "TESTE UPDATE" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
poi.t0031_fantasia = "TESTE UPDATE" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
poi.t0031_cnpj_cpf = "12.935.236/0001-97";
poi.t0031_ie_rg = "234234324234";
poi.t0031_situacao = 1;
poi.t0031_dt_cadastro = poiModel.t0031_dt_cadastro;
poi.t0031_alldata = poiModel.t0031_razao + poiModel.t0031_fantasia + poiModel.t0031_cnpj_cpf + poiModel.t0031_ie_rg;

var contato1 = poi.Contatos.SingleOrDefault(c => c.t0033_id_contato == 6);
contato1.t0033_nome_contato = "TESTE UPDATE";
contato1.t0033_tipo_enum = "CELULAR";
contato1.t0033_valor_enum = "41-9174-3185";

var contato2 = poi.Contatos.SingleOrDefault(c => c.t0033_id_contato == 7);
contato2.t0033_nome_contato = "TESTE UPDATE";
contato2.t0033_tipo_enum = "CELULAR";
contato2.t0033_valor_enum = "41-9174-3185";

var result =, "100", "a");
Assert.AreEqual(true, result.Contains("200"));

Incidentally, there are a number of bad practices arising from development defects of other methodologies, namely:

Model properties should not have the same column name as the

The Entity Framework is agnostic, that is, it is not mounted to work only on top of a relational database schema. Anything can be data source (even a well-structured text file, in theory). Still, if you want to change the name columns, you can do this using Attributes . For example:

public int ContatoId { get; set; }

It is also possible to rename the table to a bank.

DTO's do not persist objects

DTO's are analogous to Models , with reduced logic. See definition . The difference between a DTO and a Model is that the Model explicits relationships among others Models , the validation conditions of each field and additional properties mounted from data fields.

Possibly what you wanted to use there is a Repository, but I have spoken here a few times that the Entity Framework is already a repository , then this effort does not make sense.

Does not change Id's in editing a Model in the Entity Framework

To change an object coming from another entity in the Entity Framework, you should not do it by Id. You must select the foreign entity object and assign the same object. Here I explain the reason . #

14.04.2015 / 22:28