Create matrix of frequency distribution in R (numerical variable VS numerical)


I have two columns: supply situation (categorical variable) and number of students (numeric variable). I want to create a table that tells how many students are in each mode (class / levels). The goal is this (example):

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asked by anonymous 24.04.2015 / 19:56

1 answer


I'm going to create a% example of% example like this:

base <- data.frame(
  situacao = rep(c("a ser concluida", "ativa", "concluida"), length.out = 100),
  qtd_alunos = rep(c(6,7,2,3), length.out = 100)

> head(base)
         situacao qtd_alunos
1 a ser concluida          6
2           ativa          7
3       concluida          2
4 a ser concluida          3
5           ativa          6
6       concluida          7

You can then add data.frame to the categories of the qtd_alunos variable using:

base %>% group_by(situacao) %>% summarise(qtd_alunos = sum(qtd_alunos))

Source: local data frame [3 x 2]

         situacao qtd_alunos
1 a ser concluida        153
2           ativa        151
3       concluida        146

The situacao command indicates which variable you want to use to aggregate and the group_by command indicates how you want to aggregate / summarize the information, in this case we use the sum.

If each student is a row in your database, and you do not have the summarise column, you could use the following code to create a frequency table:

base %>% group_by(situacao) %>% summarise(qtd_alunos = n())

In this specific case using the command qtd_alunos I want to count the number of lines per category.

Note that to have the functions n() and group_by you must have the package dplyr installed: summarise and then load it install.packages("dplyr")

24.04.2015 / 20:11