How to mount a JSON return?


I have this code, below, where I manipulate some data. But after, I need to transform into a JSON object, like the example below.

function mostraContasEntrada($id_empresa){
    $pdo = conectar();
        "SELECT c.categoria, sc.subcategoria, data, valor 
         FROM entrada e 
         JOIN cat_entradas c 
         on c.id_categoria = e.categoria 
         JOIN sub_cat_entrada sc 
         on sc.id_subcategoria 
         WHERE id_empresa=:id_empresa 
         ORDER BY data DESC");
    $this->mostraDadosEntrada->bindValue(":id_empresa", $id_empresa);

    while ($r = $this->mostraDadosEntrada->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $dataP = explode("-", $r['data']);
        $data = $dataP[2].'/'.$dataP[1].'/'.$dataP[0];

        echo $data.'  '.$r['categoria'].'  '.utf8_encode($r['subcategoria']).'

I want to do this:

header('Content-Type: application/json');
$return = array();
while ($linha=$buscarUsuario->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    array_push($return, $linha);
echo json_encode($return);
asked by anonymous 10.11.2015 / 01:00

2 answers


Format the date with date_format() so you do not have to do this for php. Create a new array, format the currency value and 'stuffing' the items, at the end of the function return the string (json).

function mostraContasEntrada($id_empresa){    
    $pdo = conectar();
        "SELECT c.categoria, sc.subcategoria, date_formart(data, '%d/%m/%Y'),  valor 
         FROM entrada e 
         JOIN cat_entradas c 
         on c.id_categoria = e.categoria 
         JOIN sub_cat_entrada sc 
         on sc.id_subcategoria 
         WHERE id_empresa=:id_empresa 
         ORDER BY data DESC");
    $this->mostraDadosEntrada->bindValue(":id_empresa", $id_empresa);

    $lista = array();
    while ($r = $this->mostraDadosEntrada->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $r['valor'] = number_format($r['valor'],2,',','.');
        $r['subcategoria'] = utf8_encode($r['subcategoria']);
        $lista[] = $r;

    return json_encode($lista);

echo mostraContasEntrada($id);
10.11.2015 / 01:51

The most direct way is to create an array of arrays, and then convert to JSON in the same way as in the second code:

$return = array();
while ($r = $this->mostraDadosEntrada->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    $dataP = explode("-", $r['data']);
    $data = $dataP[2].'/'.$dataP[1].'/'.$dataP[0];

    array_push($return, array($data, $r['categoria'], utf8_encode($r['subcategoria']), 
echo json_encode($return);

This will generate a JSON with the following structure:

[["01/02/2015", "cat1", "sub1", 1234], [...], ...]

If you prefer a JSON with objects instead of arrays, type:


Then just push an associative array in $return instead of a common array:

    array_push($return, array(
        "data" => $data,
        "categoria" => $r['categoria'],
        "subcategoria" => utf8_encode($r['subcategoria']),
        "valor" => number_format($r['valor'],2,',','.')

You can adapt the example keys above as you see fit.

10.11.2015 / 01:18