Is it possible to send all Java Exceptions by email?


I have a Java Web application, using Spring MVC, and would like to email all Exceptions posted to the system.

Is it possible to do this? Set up a default email so that it receives all the Exceptions and the stacktrace, so that I can follow the possible errors that happen?

asked by anonymous 23.06.2016 / 15:41

1 answer


Using Spring MVC

Spring MVC provides a way to handle exceptions, the annotation @ExceptionHandler . For each controller we can define a method that is called when a given exception is thrown.

First you need to create a class and put the annotation @ ControllerAdvice . This annotation is used to define methods @ExceptionHandler , @InitBinder and @ModelAttribute that apply to all methods annotated with @RequestMapping .

public class SendMailExceptionHandler {

    protected SendMailService sendMailService;

    public ModelAndView exceptionHanlder(Exception  ex) {
        String mensagem = "Ocorreu um erro no sistema xyz: " + ex.getMessage();

        ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView();
        mv.addObject("exception", exception);
        mv.addObject("url", req.getRequestURL());

        return mv;

No @ExceptionHandler you pass which Exception class that method will intercept in the controllers.

The advantage is that you do not need to use try catch in your controllers and in addition to sending the email the method will redirect the user to a page you want, a standard error page for example.

This approach does not catch errors from other calls that do not pass through the controller, for example you have an automatic execution from time to time that ends up generating an exception and in this case @ExceptionHandler will not capture.

Using AOP
With Spring, you can write an interceptor AOP :

public class ErrorInterceptor{

   SendMailService sendMailService;

@AfterThrowing(pointcut = "execution(** (..))", throwing = "ex")
public void errorInterceptor(Exception ex) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Interceptor inicializado");

    String mensagem = "Ocorreu um erro no sistema xyz. " + ex.getMessage();

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Interceptor finalizado.");

With AOP you can intercept the exceptions that occur in a particular package. If you do not know AOP I recommend reading the documentation .

Sources: link link

23.06.2016 / 16:25