Possibility to schedule threads in Java to run at different times


I have a multithreading system that is the same as the post link - Java Thread Synchronization (synchronize collections) in Java that allows you to schedule threads to run at different times.

In this way, the agendarTarefa class receives the hour and minute of the Relogio class to create a new task Thread and threadRelogio to execute threads .

Class Relogio that contains hour and minute:

public class Relogio {

    private int horas;
    private int minutos;

    public Relogio() {
        this.horas = 0;
        this.minutos = 0;

    public Relogio(int hora, int minuto) {
        this.horas = hora;
        this.minutos = minuto;

Class Tarefa that receives the hour and minute of a clock and creates a schedule:

public class AgendarTarefa {

    private Relogio relogio;
    private boolean estado;

    public AgendarTarefa(Relogio relogioAgenda) {
        this.relogio = relogioAgenda;

Class ThreadRelogio to execute threads until done:

public class ThreadRelogio extends Thread {

    private final Object mutex = new Object();

    private boolean parou = false;
    private int tempo = 0;

    public void run() {
        try {
            while (!parou) {
                synchronized (mutex) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Ignora.

My doubt is when threadAviao1 is created to execute after a while the program should execute the other threadAviao2 knowing that threadAviao1 has not yet finished, for this to happen it is necessary to develop a method to advance clock or is there another solution?

I have an example of a configuration of 3 airplanes to test the threads :

--- Avião ---  
Nº de Voo              : 1   
Origem                 : VENEZA  
Hora de Chegada ao IM  : 10:20  

--- Avião --- 
Nº de Voo              : 2  
Origem                 : DUBAI  
Hora de Chegada ao IM  : 10:30  

--- Avião ---  
Nº de Voo              : 3  
Origem                 : BRAZIL  
Hora de Chegada ao IM  : 10:40

So I realized every 10 seconds this method is executed executarEtapa(Aeroporto aeroporto, Aviao aviao) Source Code

public void executarEtapa(Aeroporto aeroporto, Aviao aviao) {
         int contador = 0;
        //por enquanto a cada aviao executar uma 
        //etapa sai de executa a etapa de outro aviao
        while (contador != 1) {
            //aguardar um tempo
            //aviao partiu
            //incrementa contador

Class ThreadAviao to perform airplane steps:

public class ThreadAviao extends Thread {

        private final Aviao aviao;
        private final Aeroporto aeroporto;

        public ThreadAviao(Aeroporto aeroporto, Aviao aviao) {
            this.aviao = aviao;
            this.aeroporto = aeroporto;

        public void run() {
            try {
                synchronized (mutex) {
                    while (!comecou) {
                List<Aviao> lista = new ArrayList<>();
                //adiciona o aviao a lista
                //ordena os avioes
                //escolhe um aviao 
                for (Aviao novoAviao: lista) {
                    //inicia a etapa
                    etapaAviao.executarEtapa(aeroporto, novoAviao);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // Não faz nada.

Any suggestions?

asked by anonymous 23.12.2015 / 08:12

2 answers


There are several answers on how to handle timers in Java:

In this specific case, it seems appropriate to use a Timer to schedule the execution of a task at a given time using the schedule(TimerTask, Date) .

Through hour and minute, you will need to build a Date object. Then create a TimerTask that notifies or starts the thread you want to run at a given time.

I did not make a more concrete example because it was not clear to me in the question exactly what the behavior of the system, ie whether it will work in real time or if the time will artificially advance, or if the scheduling occurs only one time or if it repeats every day, because depending on that, the correct one could be to use a date and not just the time.

23.12.2015 / 23:59

You can use Quartz Scheduler:

Here is an example of its use: link

Official site: link

23.12.2015 / 11:07