How can I maintain only specific DataFrame rows?


I have code that goes into a website, fills in a form and pulls a table, however, I want to delete some rows from this table that I do not need.

Let's go to the code:


info <- debugGatherer()
handle <- getCurlHandle(cookiejar = "",
followlocation = TRUE,
autoreferer = TRUE,
debugfunc = info$update,
verbose = TRUE,
httpheader = list(
from = "[email protected]",
'user-agent' = str_c(R.version$version.string,
", ", R.version$platform)

xmlAttrsToDF <- function(parsedHTML, xpath) {
x <- xpathApply(parsedHTML, xpath, xmlAttrs)
x <- lapply(x, function(x), x)

url <- ""
html_form <- getURL(url, curl = handle)
parsed_form <- htmlParse(html_form)
pgsession <-html_session(url)              
pgform    <-html_form(pgsession)[[3]] 

xmlAttrsToDF(parsed_form, "//form")

res2 <- postForm(uri = str_c(url, "#cotacao"),
curl = handle,
style = "POST",
"cot_grupo" = "legumes",
"cot_data" = "06/03/2017")
legumes <- readHTMLTable(res2)
legumes <- data.frame(legumes)
legumes <- subset(legumes, select = c(NULL.V1, NULL.V2, NULL.V5, NULL.V7)) 

It generates this table when I type legumes :

              NULL.V1       NULL.V2 NULL.V5 NULL.V7
1                  Produto Classificação   Comun   Quilo
2         ABOBORA JAPONESA             -    1,54       1
3             ABOBORA SECA             -    1,46       1
4          ABOBORA MORANGA             -    1,21       1
5         ABOBORA PAULISTA             -    1,49       1
6     ABOBRINHA BRASILEIRA      EXTRA AA    2,25       1
7     ABOBRINHA BRASILEIRA       EXTRA A    1,97       1
8     ABOBRINHA BRASILEIRA         EXTRA     1,5       1
9       ABOBRINHA ITALIANA      EXTRA AA     2,8       1
10      ABOBRINHA ITALIANA       EXTRA A    2,39       1
11      ABOBRINHA ITALIANA         EXTRA    1,82       1
12     BATATA DOCE AMARELA      EXTRA AA    3,11       1
13     BATATA DOCE AMARELA       EXTRA A    2,66       1
14     BATATA DOCE AMARELA         EXTRA    2,17       1
15      BATATA DOCE ROSADA      EXTRA AA    1,86       1
16      BATATA DOCE ROSADA       EXTRA A    1,66       1
17      BATATA DOCE ROSADA         EXTRA     1,4       1
18      BERINJELA CONSERVA         EXTRA     4,5       1
19      BERINJELA CONSERVA      ESPECIAL     3,5       1
20      BERINJELA CONSERVA      PRIMEIRA     2,5       1
21      BERINJELA JAPONESA         EXTRA    3,64       1
22      BERINJELA JAPONESA      ESPECIAL    3,03       1
23      BERINJELA JAPONESA      PRIMEIRA    2,34       1
24               BERINJELA      EXTRA AA    1,88       1
25               BERINJELA       EXTRA A    1,55       1
26               BERINJELA         EXTRA     1,2       1
27               BETERRABA      EXTRA AA    1,82       1
28               BETERRABA       EXTRA A     1,6       1
29               BETERRABA         EXTRA    1,33       1
30                    CARA       EXTRA A    3,21       1
31                    CARA         EXTRA    2,63       1
32                 CENOURA      EXTRA AA    2,11       1
33                 CENOURA       EXTRA A    1,81       1
34                 CENOURA         EXTRA    1,55       1
35                  CHUCHU      EXTRA AA    1,78       1
36                  CHUCHU       EXTRA A    1,55       1
37                  CHUCHU         EXTRA    1,23       1
38           ERVILHA TORTA      EXTRA AA   20,49       1
39           ERVILHA TORTA       EXTRA A   15,24       1
40           ERVILHA TORTA         EXTRA   11,55       1
41      TOMATE SWEET GRAPE      EXTRA AA    9,16       1
42                GENGIBRE             -    3,26       1
43                  INHAME       EXTRA A     3,4       1
44                  INHAME         EXTRA    2,86       1
45                  INHAME      ESPECIAL    2,33       1
46            JILO REDONDO      EXTRA AA    2,27       1
47            JILO REDONDO       EXTRA A    1,85       1
48            JILO REDONDO         EXTRA    1,46       1
49                MANDIOCA        GRAUDA    2,11       1
50                MANDIOCA         MEDIA    1,83       1
51                MANDIOCA         MIUDA    1,54       1
52            MANDIOQUINHA     EXTRA AAA    4,21       1
53            MANDIOQUINHA      EXTRA AA    3,49       1
54            MANDIOQUINHA       EXTRA A    2,81       1
55                  MAXIXE             -    3,06       1
56          PEPINO CAIPIRA      EXTRA AA    1,86       1
57          PEPINO CAIPIRA       EXTRA A    1,57       1
58          PEPINO CAIPIRA         EXTRA    1,28       1
59            PEPINO COMUM      EXTRA AA     1,9       1
60            PEPINO COMUM       EXTRA A    1,54       1
61            PEPINO COMUM         EXTRA    1,24       1
62          PEPINO JAPONES      EXTRA AA    2,69       1
63          PEPINO JAPONES       EXTRA A    2,23       1
64          PEPINO JAPONES         EXTRA    1,82       1
65      PIMENTA * VERMELHA      EXTRA AA     3,8       1
66      PIMENTA * VERMELHA       EXTRA A     3,2       1
67         PIMENTA CAMBUCI      EXTRA AA    3,48       1
68         PIMENTA CAMBUCI       EXTRA A    2,83       1
69 PIMENTA VERDE AMERICANA      EXTRA AA    3,27       1
70 PIMENTA VERDE AMERICANA       EXTRA A    2,82       1
71 PIMENTA VERDE AMERICANA         EXTRA    2,34       1
72          PIMENTAO VERDE      EXTRA AA    2,71       1
73          PIMENTAO VERDE       EXTRA A    2,17       1
74          PIMENTAO VERDE         EXTRA    1,73       1
75       PIMENTAO VERMELHO      EXTRA AA    3,33       1
76       PIMENTAO VERMELHO       EXTRA A    2,81       1
77       PIMENTAO VERMELHO         EXTRA    2,27       1
78        PIMENTAO AMARELO      EXTRA AA    2,65       1
79             QUIABO LISO      EXTRA AA    4,25       1
80             QUIABO LISO       EXTRA A     3,7       1
81             QUIABO LISO         EXTRA    3,17       1
82         TOMATE ITALIANO     EXTRA AAA     3,2       1
83         TOMATE ITALIANO      EXTRA AA    2,57       1
84         TOMATE ITALIANO       EXTRA A    2,01       1
85  TOMATE ACHATADO-REDOND     EXTRA AAA    3,05       1
86  TOMATE ACHATADO-REDOND      EXTRA AA     2,5       1
87  TOMATE ACHATADO-REDOND       EXTRA A       2       1
88          TOMATE OBLONGO     EXTRA AAA    2,99       1
89          TOMATE OBLONGO      EXTRA AA    2,45       1
90          TOMATE OBLONGO       EXTRA A    1,82       1
91            TOMATE CAQUI      EXTRA AA    8,09       1
92           TOMATE CEREJA      EXTRA AA    5,71       1
93    VAGEM MACARRAO CURTA      EXTRA AA    5,07       1
94    VAGEM MACARRAO CURTA       EXTRA A    3,97       1
95    VAGEM MACARRAO CURTA         EXTRA    3,13       1
96          VAGEM MANTEIGA      EXTRA AA     4,4       1
97          VAGEM MANTEIGA       EXTRA A     3,8       1
98          VAGEM MANTEIGA         EXTRA     3,2       1

However, I want only 2 items of this table (excluding the rest, because I want to pass Excel), and I want to select them by name, because sometimes this table is messed up.

I would like to select the products MANDIOCA and TOMATO ACHATADO-REDOND, with MEDIA and EXTRA A ratings, respectively.

That's it, if somebody has an idea how to make my code cleaner, I appreciate it!

asked by anonymous 07.03.2017 / 21:05

1 answer


First, I'd do a little cleanup on your legumes dataset. Note that the header does not have names with intuitive meaning and the first line of it has something that could replace this heading:

               NULL.V1       NULL.V2 NULL.V5 NULL.V7
1              Produto Classificação   Comun   Quilo
2     ABOBORA JAPONESA             -    1,54       1
3         ABOBORA SECA             -    1,46       1
4      ABOBORA MORANGA             -    1,21       1
5     ABOBORA PAULISTA             -    1,49       1
6 ABOBRINHA BRASILEIRA      EXTRA AA    2,25       1

The two commands below solve this problem:

names(legumes) <- as.character(unlist(legumes[1, ]))
legumes <- legumes[-1, ]
               Produto Classificação Comun Quilo
2     ABOBORA JAPONESA             -  1,54     1
3         ABOBORA SECA             -  1,46     1
4      ABOBORA MORANGA             -  1,21     1
5     ABOBORA PAULISTA             -  1,49     1

The fact that the first line is now identified with the number 2 is not a problem in this case.

With the date frame set, just use the command filter of package dplyr to achieve the desired result, that is, to select the lines with the products MANDIOCA and TOMATO ACHATADO-REDOND, with MEDIA and EXTRA A, respectively.


filter(legumes, (Produto=="MANDIOCA" & Classificação=="MEDIA") |
  (Produto=="TOMATE ACHATADO-REDOND" & Classificação=="EXTRA A"))
                 Produto Classificação Comun Quilo
1               MANDIOCA         MEDIA  1,83     1
07.03.2017 / 21:51