I know that angular projects have model, view and controller but many say angular.js is MVVM and others say it is MVP
I know that angular projects have model, view and controller but many say angular.js is MVVM and others say it is MVP
There is a lot of information on the internet on this subject and in spite of an advertising that google does about its standard talking about it is MVW, Model-View-Whatever I meet with @CelsomTrindade which turns out to be a redundant answer. br>
Then research a lot about it and get the experience I have and validate my knowledge in the angular documentation at link
And by following the stackoverflow on the angularjs tag at link
also based on w3schools link
I assert that angularjs is MVC Model View Controller
Angular js is based on MVW
The MVW pattern is not really a standard, MVW stands for Model-View-Whatever, that is, what pattern do you think you are going to program in angularjs, do not waste time, just do it.