___ ___ erkimt Query SQL unifies three tables ______ qstntxt ___

I have 4 tables that I need to join in a single query where the result is:


The tables look like this:


I tried to do with INNER JOIN, but I'm still a beginner, and I could not, when I added the conversations went wrong, below what I tried:

______ azszpr313556 ___

You can reach these values as follows:


I was giving error because the %code% field was not in %code% . The query would never give the result it expected because it had two %code% to two tables with associations other than the %code% table, and even correcting %code% would not be able to correctly count the occurrences in each of the tables. p>     

______ azszpr313560 ___

If you are using %code% you can do this:


Test: link



I have 4 tables that I need to join in a single query where the result is:

nome |COUNT(terrenosDeCadaID)|COUNT(conversasDeCadaID)
joao |         2             |       3
maria|         1             |       2

The tables look like this:

1 |joao
2 |maria

id|idterreno |iduser(mesmo que id da tabela users)
1 |    20    |  1
2 |    21    |  1
3 |    22    |  2

id|idterreno|msg|iduser(mesmo que id da tabela users)
1 |   20    | a |  1
2 |   20    | b |  1
3 |   21    | c |  1
4 |   22    | d |  2
5 |   22    | d |  2

I tried to do with INNER JOIN, but I'm still a beginner, and I could not, when I added the conversations went wrong, below what I tried:

SELECT nome, COUNT(t.iduser), COUNT(c.user) FROM users u
INNER JOIN terrenos t on u.id = t.iduser
INNER JOIN conversas c on u.id =t.iduser
GROUP BY t.iduser
asked by anonymous 11.07.2018 / 15:50

2 answers


You can reach these values as follows:

SELECT      u.nome
        ,   IFNULL(t.totalterrenos, 0)  AS totalterrenos
        ,   IFNULL(c.totalconversas, 0) AS totalconversas
FROM        users   u
                SELECT      iduser
                        ,   COUNT(1) AS totalterrenos
                FROM        terrenos
                GROUP BY    iduser
            )       t ON t.iduser = u.id
                SELECT      iduser
                        ,   COUNT(1) AS totalconversas
                FROM        conversas
                GROUP BY    iduser
            )       c ON c.iduser = u.id

I was giving error because the nome field was not in GROUP BY . The query would never give the result it expected because it had two INNER JOIN to two tables with associations other than the user table, and even correcting GROUP BY would not be able to correctly count the occurrences in each of the tables. p>     

11.07.2018 / 16:05

If you are using MS SQL Server you can do this:



from users as A

cross apply (select count(1) as terrenos from terrenos where iduser = A.id) B

cross apply (select count(1) as conversas from conversas where iduser = A.id) C

Test: link

11.07.2018 / 16:09