Issues with Orientation in Datepicker


I'm having trouble making the datepicker 'open' down.

Follow the parameters of the datepicker I'm using.

   format: "dd/mm/yyyy",
   todayBtn: "linked",
   forceParse: false,
   autoclose: true,
   todayHighlight: true,
   language: 'pt-BR',
   zIndexOffset: 99999999,
   orientation: 'bottom'

On some screens zIndexOffset even solved my problem, but in others the field continues to "open" up.

I have cases that remove the orientation parameter, the calendar "opens" below the field, and including the orientation parameter: 'bottom', the calendar is displayed above the field.


Correct would be ... (No parameter orientation)


asked by anonymous 05.07.2017 / 15:55

1 answer


If you want DatePicker to be displayed below input , you should use:

orientation: 'top'

If you want DatePicker to be displayed above input , you should use:

orientation: 'bottom'

The rule is this, the bottom parameter is relative to input . It means that input will be bottom . See an example here .

05.07.2017 / 16:35