How do I hide / remove the slider and the banner below it with JavaScript? I need him to stay home only, but he's repeating in every department of the site .
How do I hide / remove the slider and the banner below it with JavaScript? I need him to stay home only, but he's repeating in every department of the site .
This kind of client-side re-design (via JavaScript) is not a good solution. It's best to be able to change this from the server side.
Assuming this is not possible, then you have to find something that distinguishes the pages. I noticed that background only menu does not work, this could be a help if it were to work ...
So the idea I had was to look for that text that shows which page you are and do not have on the first page .
The text is Início > Camisas > Manga 7/8
A selector for it would be: $('a[title="Início"]')
The idea is to have this code that, in case there is no such information, hides the slider.
if (!$('a[title="Início"]')) $('.imgBaFu').remove();
You can search for text in the URL that identifies that you changed pages by using the indexOf method in the < a document.URL .
// Se encontrar o texto "/Departamento?idExpandido=" na URL
// (creio que seja o suficiente para identificar que não é mais a homepage)
if (document.URL.indexOf("/Departamento?idExpandido=") > -1) {
// esconde os botões
// Mais comandos
// ...
Two solutions to make the banner disappear when you click the menu.
Solution number 1:
Solution number 2:
$.getUrlVar = function(key){
var result = new RegExp(key + "=([^&]*)", "i").exec(;
return result && unescape(result[1]) || "";
var r = $.getUrlVar("idExpandido");
r != "" ? $('.imgBaFu').hide() : 0;
Running this on ready
will solve your problem, I already tested it with FireBug on your site.