What's the difference between CharSet: DOS850 x ISO8859_1 x WIN1252?


What is the difference between these Character Sets : DOS850 x ISO8859_1 x WIN1252 I see this at the time of creating a database and I do not quite understand what its differences are? I know it's about the Portuguese language, but that's all I know ...

asked by anonymous 20.04.2018 / 15:47

1 answer


According to the Site

  • ISO 8859-1 : Western and Western European languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.) Because these languages are used in large parts of the world (Europe, the Americas, Australia, Africa), these are the most widely used character sets. Windows 1252 or Win1252 and ISO 8895-1 are practically equal in the range of 160,255. ISO 8859-1 and Win1252 is an extension of US-ASCII using the eighth bit.
  • DOS850 - Has been replaced by Win1252 This set has fewer characters than the other 2.

See below the tables with the differences of each CharSet

  • DOS850 Character table
  • ISO8895-1Charactertable
  • WIN1252Charactertable
07.05.2018 / 20:42