Complete loading address from engines (V9)


Using Spring v9.15 engines with C #, when creating both sales and purchase documents, you can easily fill in the download address properties:

Interop.GcpBE900.GcpBEDocumentoVenda doc = new Interop.GcpBE900.GcpBEDocumentoVenda();

//preencher informação do cabeçalho, etc...
//preencher dados relacionados...

doc.set_MoradaEntrega("Exemplo Morada");
doc.set_Morada2Entrega("Exemplo Morada2");
//restantes propriedades

But for the address of load I can not find the respective properties. Is there any way to fill in the document when creating a document?

asked by anonymous 02.10.2018 / 15:57

1 answer


The Load / Unload properties are found in a specific object, within GcpBEDocumentoVenda , of type GcpBECargaDescarga .

To change the Load properties (or even the Download itself) you can use the following code:

GcpBECargaDescarga objCargaDescarga = doc.get_CargaDescarga();

objCargaDescarga.Morada2Carga = "Morada Carga";
objCargaDescarga.CodPostalCarga = "CodPostal Carga";
objCargaDescarga.DistritoCarga = "Distrito Carga";
objCargaDescarga.LocalCarga = "Local Carga";
02.10.2018 / 16:12