# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import socket
# nao tem servidor UDP no google -> vamos usar netcat como servidor UDP!
#Programa de chat: so fala um de cada vez
#implementar falando ao mesmo tempo
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
pacotes_recebidos = client.recvfrom(1024) devolve uma tupla:
(' llallalaaaa\n', ('', 667))
msg recebida + (IP,porta)
while 6: #while True
#client.sendto(input("Voce: ") + "\n", ("", 668))
#client.sendto (bytes(input("Voce: ")).encode('utf8') + bytes("\n").encode('utf8'), bytes(("", 668)).encode('utf8'))
client.sendto((input("Voce: ")).encode('utf8') + ("\n").encode('utf8'),("", 661))
# endereço do servidor UDP do kali linux usando netcat
msg, friend = client.recvfrom(1024)
print(str(friend) + ": " + str(msg))
#se quiser apenas o ip: use friend[0]
except Exception as erro:
print("Conexao falhou ")
print("O erro foi: ", erro)
The above program in Python 2.7 worked by switching input
by raw_input
and I do not know why.
instead of raw_input
) I tried to send a "hi" message and the following error occurred:
('The error was:', NameError ("name 'oi' is not defined",))
I would like to get 2 people to talk simultaneously, how to do it? At the moment, only one person at a time can type the message.
We have to wait for one of the participants to type and type Enter to continue.
This is the client. I am using netcat
as the server.
Could someone help me?