Windows Local Development Environment Migration for Mac


I would like to migrate to the Mac, but I have some concerns about the local development environment.

The question is regarding Apache, MySQL (and other BD's), PHP and Node.js.

The questions are:

  • Installing and configuring: Is it cumbersome, more complex, and requires more advanced levels of knowledge of the Mac?
  • Compatibility: Can I use all the tools / languages mentioned above fully or will I have limitations? For example, some PHP classes require DLL's.

My biggest concern is not the tools (I adapt without problems) but rather the limitation of the system when it comes to localhost development, if I'm going to be able to test all the functionalities of a website without having compatibility problems. >     

asked by anonymous 22.04.2014 / 13:59

1 answer


Installing and configuring: Is it cumbersome, more complex, and requires more advanced levels of knowledge of the Mac?

Apache and PHP already come installed on the Mac by default. If you want you can replace them with other versions. In the case of these tools, and others like MySQL, you have two installation options.

  • Compile and install via command line.
  • Installing through a package manager such as Homebrew , also via the command line. It's quite simple, just a command.

Both options require the installation of the Mac developer tools - which include C compiler, among other functions. Install these tools, you will need them.

Other tools, such as Node, have Mac installers, and in that case the installation is very simple.


Compatibility: Can I use all of the above tools or languages in their fullness, or will I have limitations? For example, some php classes require DLL's.

The Mac does not use DLLs, but extensions compiled in another format, such as Linux. I do not know which extensions you use, but the major ones are available for Mac. However, installing some of them is more complicated than in Windows, you may need to compile them manually. For beans with rice, a common PHP installation (such as the one that comes with XAMPP, for example) is sufficient.


Tools: Do the same tools, such as MySQl Workbench, have the same features? Are there more appropriate tools for Mac in database manipulation and programming?

This has no precise answer, but several tools available for Windows also exist for Mac - including the Workbench and SublimeText. You'll need to experiment to see which tools you prefer.

My personal experience

The migration to Mac is very nice for those familiar with Linux and like to use the Terminal. Sure there are differences and things that take time to get used to, but for me it was worth it, and I hardly go back to Windows. When I need to use Windows (for example, to test something in Internet Explorer), I go to virtual machines.

However, only you can assess whether you will find it advantageous or not, and will only know this in practice. Take a Mac loan for a while, or buy a recital that can sell it if you do not adapt.

23.04.2014 / 15:46