I created a function in php
for cruid
in the database but the function Read
is in trouble and I can not understand why, it follows the code:
function DBRead($table, $params = null, $fields = "*"){
$table = DB_PREFIX . '_' . $table;
$params = ($params) ? " {$params}" : null;
$query = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table}{$params}";
$result = DBExecute($query);
return $query;
while ($rs = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
$data[] =$rs;
return $data;
DB_PREFIX is a constant just to help in selecting the table in the database, the line I'm trying to execute is this:
$chekDouble = DBRead('postagem', "WHERE titulo = '" . $form['titulo'] . "'" );
I debugged with var_dump()
and the output is this:
'SELECT * FROM mg_postagem WHERE titulo = 'titulo''
checks if the title that the user is entering is already titled some other post in the database, but it always returns true
obs: the database is empty ...
if( $chekDouble )
echo 'Titulo de Post Já cadastrado!';
The title comes from a form and I use the $_POST
method, for the insert function are passed by parameters name of the table, and a array
of fields and values. this is the array.
$form['titulo'] = strip_tags( trim( $_POST['titulo'] ) );
$form['bloco1'] = strip_tags( trim( $_POST['bloco1'] ) );
$form['bloco2'] = trim( $_POST['bloco2'] );
$form['datapost']= date("Y-m-d");
obs: function works when I use it this way:
$teste = DBRead('postagem', "teste" );
who runs all query
function DBExecute($query){
$link = DBConnect();
$result = @mysqli_query($link,$query) or die(mysqli_error($link));
return $result;