How to upload to an FTP site?


Hello, I have an FTP account in a domain, it is password protected but I need a Delphi application to upload files instead of FileZila and others. How can I upload files? I tried according to some sites and in none of them I was successful, you can check the list below. I urge you to post proven responses.



asked by anonymous 02.11.2015 / 15:00

1 answer


Add the component TIdFTP and use the command below:

IdFTP1.Host := 'IP do host FTP';

IdFTP1.username := 'Usuário do host FTP';

IdFTP1.password := 'Senha do host FTP';

IdFTP1.connect; {conecta e se loga}

IdFTP1.Put('Arquivo de envio');
02.11.2015 / 23:40