What data can I get from a user?


I'm creating a landing page that aims to capture as much information as possible from users who can become future customers

So far I can get the location by geolocation in javascript (if the user allows) or by the IP on the server

I've heard of a google API that allows you to retrieve the user information if it's connected to your account, searched but did not find, does anyone know?

What other information can I get from the user?

asked by anonymous 28.07.2018 / 05:39

2 answers


The user itself does not have much to get, since the browser does not store user information. Who guada information is the sites in cookies , but this we already know that we can not read from other sites (domains).

So we have some information about the user's navigation, which exists in DOM , in objects window and navigator , for example:

navigator.appName : browser name (using application to navigate); navigator.appVersion : details of user environment versions (operating system and browser), example:

  AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 68.0.3440.75 Safari / 537.36

5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64)

navigator.platform : returns the geolocation of the user (if allowed) through the browser you have already discovered.

navigator.platform : browser platform ( navigator.language : language used in the browser, example: pt-BR ; window.screen : screen size

Among others. More specific information about the user (name, email, etc), only what he has informed on some site or service and that can be shared. There are apis for this and, with the proper consent of the user you can get this data. Here are some examples of more common services:

Facebook API and Facebook SDK API
Google API
Twitter API

01.08.2018 / 14:49

Being very straightforward, if you use authentication via OAuth2 you have access to basic user profile information logged in (with the appropriate permissions), such as:

  • BasicProfile.getId ()
  • BasicProfile.getName ()
  • BasicProfile.getGivenName ()
  • BasicProfile.getFamilyName ()
  • BasicProfile.getImageUrl ()
  • BasicProfile.getEmail ()

For this information I have based the documentation for the client to Javascript .

I recommend reading through the google developers blog .

31.07.2018 / 01:30