DER Student Question Topic


I am developing a learning control system, where I will have a database of questions that will be listed in an activity and then answered by the students. As soon as the student answers the question, I would like to store it if he hit or miss the question.

The key point of my system is to allow student learning to be tracked, so I thought about storing in the bank the number of questions that he missed and got right from each topic. My problem is how to demonstrate this in DER.

Below is my current DER.

asked by anonymous 23.08.2015 / 18:53

3 answers


Instead, I would put the answer in the Pergunta_Atividade :

|                 Pergunta_Atividade                 |
| IdPerguntaAtividade integer primary key            |
| IdPergunta integer foreign key (Pergunta)          |
| IdAtividade integer foreign key (Atividade)        |
| Resposta integer not null                          |

Calculating the correct answers would be INNER JOIN between Pergunta_Atividade , Atividade and Pergunta , done in the application.

23.08.2015 / 21:52

To make your operations easier, you can create a history table

|                 HistoricoPerguntas                 |
| IdHistoricoPerguntas integer primary key           |
| IdPergunta integer foreign key (Pergunta)          | 
| IdAluno integer                                    |
| IdAtividade integer foreign key (Atividade)        |
| Resposta integer not null                          |
| Correta integer                                    |
| DataResposta date                                  |
| ...                                                |

And with more information that you deem necessary. So you have a table that contains the history of the questions and answers, the date, the assertiveness, and whatever else you deem necessary.

24.08.2015 / 15:12

In the Student_Activity entity, you can include a field with the response and whether or not it is correct, maybe a field for some type of observation.

And based on this relationship you will be able to extract the detail you want for a final report.

18.02.2016 / 17:01