What is the difference between "ON" and "USING"?


Considering two ways to declare a INNER JOIN , we have:

SELECT * FROM tabela1 INNER JOIN tabela2 ON tabela1.cd_tabela1 = tabela2.cd_tabela1;


SELECT * FROM tabela1 INNER JOIN tabela2 USING(cd_tabela1);

What's the difference between the two? In addition to the inner join , is there any difference if you consider other joins as the right outer join ?     

asked by anonymous 01.10.2014 / 02:51

1 answer


Response :

ON is used when you have different or equal column names between tables, USING is already used when both tables share a column with the same name exact.

To present the differences between the JOINs I will show an example, using the following data tables below, whose field name is the same as the table:

A  |  B
1  |  3
2  |  4
3  |  5
4  |  6


It is an inner join using the equivalent queries resulting from the intersection of the two tables, that is, the two lines that the two tables have in common.

select * from A INNER JOIN B ON A.A = B.B;

A | B
3 | 3
4 | 4


It is an outer join on the left that will result in all lines of A, in addition to all the common lines in B.

select * from A LEFT OUTER JOIN B ON A.A = B.B;

A |  B  
1 | null
2 | null
3 |    3
4 |    4


It is an outer join to the right that will result in all lines of B, in addition to all common lines in A.

select * from A RIGHT OUTER JOIN B ON A.A = B.B;

 A   |  B  
3    |  3
4    |  4
null |  5
null |  6


A complete outer join will give you the union of A and B, that is, all lines of one and all lines of B. If a line A does not have a match in B, the value of B will be null, and vice versa.

select * from A FULL OUTER JOIN B ON A.A = B.B;

 A   |  B  
   1 | null
   2 | null
   3 |    3
   4 |    4
null |    6
null |    5  
01.10.2014 / 03:00