Elements outerHTML return


I'm developing a library based on my needs. Let's say in the example below:

lib('#menu a').html()

Returns the outerHTML , as shown below:

<a href="#home">Home</a>

If the ('#menu a') tag has more than one " a " tag, how do you return all outerHTML :

<a href="#home">Home</a>
<a href="#about">About</a>
<a href="#contact">Contact</a>
asked by anonymous 01.04.2015 / 13:49

2 answers


You can do the following:

var menus = document.querySelectorAll("#menu a");
var outerHTML = [].map.call(menus, function(menu) {
    return menu.outerHTML;

var textarea = document.getElementById("outerHTML");
textarea.value = outerHTML;
  width: 260px;
  height: 51px;
<div id="menu">
    <a href="#home">Home</a>
    <a href="#about">About</a>
    <a href="#contact">Contact</a>
<textarea id="outerHTML"></textarea>
01.04.2015 / 14:07

This response is only complementary, the @TobyMosque example is very good, but using element.outerHTML is not cross-platform (I believe that most engines today support, but there may still be cases that do not support), to solve this we can make an alternative method, would be to clone the element that wants to get the outerHTML and add it to an element created by document.createElement , example:

var texto = document.getElementById("texto");

document.getElementById("run").onclick = function() {
    var elemento = document.getElementById("test");
    var elementoVazio = document.createElement("div");

    texto.value = elementoVazio.innerHTML;
<div id="test"><strong>Olá mundo!</strong></div>
  <a id="run" href="#">Pegar outerHTML</a>
<textarea cols="50" rows="10" id="texto"></textarea>

We can add this method as an alternative and if the browser supports the outerHTML it will not use it, since it does not have need, to solve we can use the following code:

var divTmp = document.createElement("div");
if ("outerHTML" in divTmp) {
  //Código com outerHTML nativo
} else {
   //Código com cloneNode()

The code would look something like:

var texto = document.getElementById("texto");
var divTmp = document.createElement("div");

document.getElementById("run").onclick = function() {
    var elementoVazio, elemento = document.getElementById("test");

    if ("outerHTML" in divTmp) {
        texto.value = elemento.outerHTML;
    } else {
        elementoVazio = document.createElement("div");
        texto.value = elementoVazio.innerHTML;
<div id="test"><strong>Olá mundo!</strong></div>
  <a id="run" href="#">Pegar outerHTML</a>
<textarea cols="50" rows="10" id="texto"></textarea>

The TobyMosque code would look something like:

if ("outerHTML" in divTmp) {
  function getOuterHTML(menu) {
    return menu.outerHTML;
} else {
  function getOuterHTML(menu) {
    var data, el = document.createElement("div");

    data = el.innerHTML;
    el = null;

    return data;

var menus = document.querySelectorAll("#menu a");
var outerHTML = [].map.call(menus, getOuterHTML).join("\n");
06.04.2015 / 01:08