textContent Material Designer Angular JS


I'm using Angular Material Dialog and everything is fine, but when I put textContent it returns the following error:


 $mdDialog.confirm(...).title(...).textContent is not a function


var confirm = $mdDialog.confirm()
              .title('Você tem certeza que deseja excluir esta categoria?')
              .textContent('Esta ação é irreversível')
              .ok('Sim tenho certeza!')
              .cancel('Não excluir');

        $mdDialog.show(confirm).then(function() {
            // ok
        }, function() {
          // cancelado

Why is this textContent not accepted? The example is the same as the Angular JS Material.

asked by anonymous 04.12.2015 / 14:17

1 answer


The version you are using is probably earlier than 1.0.0, In previous versions instead of textContent the function was just called content .

You can follow the examples of the official website depending on the version you are using, just change where it shows the image below.

04.12.2015 / 14:30