How to put quotes in a variable for MySQL query


I'm doing a procedure, I need to put a varchar variable in the query, but it does not go with the single quotation marks, I've tried concatenating it or something like that, but it's no use:

set @comando := concat(@comando, '"'); //ao contrário tbm
set @comando := concat(@comando, classe);
set @comando := concat(@comando, '"');

I've already put triple quotation marks too:

set @comando := concat(@comando, '''classe''');

What better way to concatenate or make MySQL recognize as a varchar?


delimiter $$
create procedure eixos_caminhao (in classe varchar(3))
    set @comando := 'select count(*) as qtdeCaminhoes';
    set @comando:= concat(@comando, ' from tb_vbv where classe = ');
    set @comando := concat(@comando, classe);

    PREPARE myquery FROM @comando;
    EXECUTE myquery;
end $$
asked by anonymous 09.10.2018 / 21:33

1 answer


Whenever we are setting a string and within that string it is necessary to have another string , we have some outputs:

  • Since no SQL both ' and " start and end string , we can interleave these characters to form a string within the other:

    set @comando = 'select count(*) as qtdeCaminhoes';
    set @comando = concat(@comando, ' from tb_vbv where classe = "');
    set @comando = concat(@comando, classe);
    set @comando = concat(@comando, '"');

    The result would be:


    select count (*) as qtdeCamines from tb_vbv where class="class_content"

  • But if you really want to bypass string with ' , you can use the previous inverse method ( "'" ), or use \ which is an escape character, ' or " after it, will not be considered as closing a string :

    set @comando = 'select count(*) as qtdeCaminhoes';
    set @comando = concat(@comando, ' from tb_vbv where classe = \'');
    set @comando = concat(@comando, classe);
    set @comando = concat(@comando, '\'');
  • Another information about the CONCAT function is that it accepts several parameters to concatenate at one time, its code could be summarized for this example:

    set @comando = 'select count(*) as qtdeCaminhoes';
    set @comando = concat(@comando, ' from tb_vbv where classe = ');
    set @comando = concat(@comando, '\'', classe, '\'');
    09.10.2018 / 21:55