How to execute a function after entering the Controller in AngularJS?


I have the following problem, I have more than one angular navigation state that uses the same controller, like this:

.state('app.estado-navegacao-1', {
  url: "/estado-navegacao-1",
  views: {
    'menuContent': {
      templateUrl: "templates/estado1.html",
      controller: 'EstadoNavegacaoCtrl',
      controllerAs: 'estado'

.state('app.estado-navegacao-2', {
  url: "/estado-navegacao-1",
  views: {
    'menuContent': {
      templateUrl: "templates/estado2.html",
      controller: 'EstadoNavegacaoCtrl',
      controllerAs: 'estado'

Well, I would like to "execute" this state, enter the controller, execute the normal methods and a function that varies according to the state of navigation chosen.

My controller looks something like this:

angular.module('controllers.estadonavegacao', [])
    .controller('EstadoNavegacao', EstadoNavegacao);

function EstadoNavegacao() {

    var vm = this;
    vm.init = init;
    vm.funcao = funcao;
    vm.funcao2 = funcao2;

    //Executa Normal nas duas chamadas

    function init() {


    function funcao() {
     //Quero executar após o estado de navegação 1   

    function funcao2() {
     //Quero executar após o estado de navegação 2  


Does anyone have any idea how to do this?

asked by anonymous 30.05.2016 / 19:17

2 answers


You can use the $ location service to get the path you are running.

function EstadoNavegacao($location) {


  function init() {
    var path = $location.path();
    if (path === '/estado-navegacao-1')

Or, you can manipulate the scope of controller by using the data attribute.

.state('app.estado-navegacao-1', {
  url: "/estado-navegacao-1",
  data: { estadoNavegaco: 1 }

.state('app.estado-navegacao-2', {
  url: "/estado-navegacao-1",
  data: { estadoNavegaco: 2 }

And accesses the property by controller scope:

function EstadoNavegacao() {
  var controller = this;


  function init() {
    if (controller.estadoNavegacao === 1)
30.05.2016 / 19:23

In addition to the above options, you can use resolve :

.state('app.estado-navegacao-1', {
    url: "/estado-navegacao-1",
    resolve: { 
        // os comandos desejados aqui dentro, por exemplo
        message: function(messageService){
            return messageService.getMessage();

And have it available in the controller:

app.controller("myController", function (message) {
    $scope.message = message;

Depending on your needs, you have a solution.

30.05.2016 / 19:50