What would it be Iteration?


In a question I asked, I questioned what it was and what the function of ListIterator would be, so the term iteration came up, what would it be?

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asked by anonymous 20.02.2017 / 21:55

1 answer


iteration | s. f. fem. sing. of iterating


i · te · ra · noun feminine noun




"iteration", in Dictionary Priberam da Língua Portuguesa [online],   2008-2013, link [consulted   on 02/20/2017].

Maybe the word "iterate" sounds new, but you've probably heard "reiterate." I think everyone understands that "re-iterating" is repeating the iteration. That is, to repeat what should already be known, because it has already been done one or more times before. To reiterate is to iterate again after the first iteration, it is something separate from the original iteration. An iteration occurs together.

In computing every block of commands that keeps repeating its execution infinitely or with the closure at any given moment fulfilling some condition is an iteration.

Much used to traverse all or part of the elements of a data stream.

This technique contrasts with recursion which is a different mechanism that can achieve the same result.

Then a for , foreach , while , do...while , repeat...until , goto that goes back, loop , each , dolist , PERFORM , etc. . all are syntaxes of the mechanism that causes iterations in the code.

So it's just a more beautiful way of saying it will repeat.

We can say "increment in each iteration" which is the same as "increment in each repetition" or "increment in each loop"

In that context is just this, I was talking to repeat every time I run the entire block of commands contained there.

Consequently, the iterator is the mechanism that makes or collaborates in repetition. Either it is language-managed (when it compiles / interprets) or it is an object in the library that manages repetitions indicating where it is and should stop.

20.02.2017 / 22:53