Mount screen on Android


I'm developing an application in android and I'm in a part that needs to put many items on the screen and so that it does not get too messy, I thought of putting together a screen with the style of the image that is below

Selecting the items on the left and changing the direct, I looked on the internet but I did not find it, aguem could help me as I can in this style. I'm using Android Studio to develop.

asked by anonymous 01.04.2014 / 04:11

2 answers


This screen uses the Fragments class.

You can combine multiple fragments into just one activity to build a multi-panel graphical interface. What's more, you can reuse your Fragments in multiple activities .


Source: Fragments | Android Developers

Extra source: Multi-pane development in Android with Fragments - Tutorial

01.04.2014 / 12:39

While the Fragments approach is correct, the print you attached appears to be from a Preferences screen.

If you are really using PreferenceActivity or PreferenceFragment, the recommended option is to use PreferenceHeaders: link

05.08.2015 / 14:19