list index out of range when trying to resolve google developer day 2010 issue


First, I'll copy here the statement of the question to be located:

In the quiet country village of Ponteironuloville, all phones have 6 digits. The telephone company establishes the following rules on numbers:

  • There can not be two consecutive digits identical, because this is annoying;
  • The sum of the digits has to be even, because this is legal;
  • The last digit can not be equal to the first digit, because this is bad luck.
  • So, given these perfectly reasonable, well-designed and mature rules, how many phone numbers in the list below are valid? (The question list is at the beginning of my code.)

    Given the statement, here is my attempt to resolve:

    lista = '''213752 216732 221063 221545 225583 229133 230648 233222 236043 237330
             239636 240138 242123 246224 249183 252936 254711 257200 257607 261424
             263814 266794 268649 273050 275001 277606 278997 283331 287104 287953
             289137 291591 292559 292946 295180 295566 297529 300400 304707 306931
             310638 313595 318449 319021 322082 323796 326266 326880 327249 329914
             334392 334575 336723 336734 338808 343269 346040 350113 353631 357154
             361633 361891 364889 365746 365749 366426 369156 369444 369689 372896
             374983 375223 379163 380712 385640 386777 388599 389450 390178 392943
             394742 395921 398644 398832 401149 402219 405364 408088 412901 417683
             422267 424767 426613 430474 433910 435054 440052 444630 447852 449116
             453865 457631 461750 462985 463328 466458 469601 473108 476773 477956
             481991 482422 486195 488359 489209 489388 491928 496569 496964 497901
             500877 502386 502715 507617 512526 512827 513796 518232 521455 524277
             528496 529345 531231 531766 535067 535183 536593 537360 539055 540582
             543708 547492 550779 551595 556493 558807 559102 562050 564962 569677
             570945 575447 579937 580112 580680 582458 583012 585395 586244 587393
             590483 593112 593894 594293 597525 598184 600455 600953 601523 605761
             608618 609198 610141 610536 612636 615233 618314 622752 626345 626632
             628889 629457 629643 633673 637656 641136 644176 644973 647617 652218
             657143 659902 662224 666265 668010 672480 672695 676868 677125 678315'''
    lista = lista.split()
    #como simplesmente copiei a lista, não quis separar 200 elementos manualmente.
    validos = []
    #lista vazia onde irei inserir os números válidos.
    for ca in range(len(lista)):
        n_inv = False
        e = list(lista[ca])
        for cb in range(len(e) - 1):
            cc = cb + 1
            if e[cb] == e[cc]:
                n_inv = True
        if n_inv == False:
    #2 loops(externo e interno) para selecionar os números de acordo com a primeira 
    #condição dada, até aqui tudo bem.
    for ca in range(len(validos)):
        a = 0
        e = list(validos[ca]) #o IDLE acusa o erro aqui(list index out of range)
        for cb in range(len(e)):
            a += int(e[cb])
        if a % 2 != 0:
            del validos[ca]
    #loop para filtrar os números anteriormente selecionados de acordo com a condição 2.
    for ca in range(len(validos)):
        e = list(validos[ca])
        if e[0] == e[-1]:
            del validos[ca]
    #loop para filtrar os números anteriormente selecionados de acordo com a condição 3.

    I've been breaking my head for a couple of hours to make this code. I already had some other problems with it, but I managed to solve it, mainly with the help of the python tutor. This I can not see execution because the site limits the loops to 300 to avoid infinite looping. If you can help me more this time, thank you very much.

    asked by anonymous 14.03.2015 / 02:50

    3 answers


    Look, I do not understand python, but I think in this section:

    for ca in range(len(validos)):
        a = 0
        e = list(validos[ca]) #o IDLE acusa o erro aqui(list index out of range)
        for cb in range(len(e)):
            a += int(e[cb])
        if a % 2 != 0:
            del validos[ca]

    You are deleting the elements of the list at the same time that it is iterating. As a result, during the iteration, the list decreases in size, but you still try to access all the elements as if they were still there. The result is that one hour you will end up trying to access an element outside the list.

    I think of the following solutions:

    • Redesign the loop to increment ca only if the element has not been removed.
    • Instead of removing elements from the list, replace them with something that indicates they should be disregarded (for example, a zero) and then at the end you count how many elements are not zeros.
    • Instead of removing the invalid elements from the list, copy the valid ones to another list that will then be used in the next step.
    • Iterate the list of numbers only once, already checking the three conditions in the same iteration. And so, just keep an accountant of how many valid numbers you have found. With this you do not have to change or delete elements or insert them into auxiliary lists.
    14.03.2015 / 13:58

    As mentioned by Victor , the problem happens when you use del to remove the item from the list. This happens in the last two loops for of the code:

    for ca in range(len(validos))
        del validos[ca]

    The expression len(validos) evaluates only one instead, at the time range is evaluated. When you remove an element either by pop or del , the exception IndexError is generated.

    As Victor rightly points out, instead of removing the invalid numbers, copy only the valid ones to the validos list.

    Some lines of code could also be saved by evaluating conditions in the same for loop.

    Your code with these modifications might look like this:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    lista = '''213752 216732 221063 221545 225583 229133 230648 233222 236043 237330
             239636 240138 242123 246224 249183 252936 254711 257200 257607 261424
             263814 266794 268649 273050 275001 277606 278997 283331 287104 287953
             289137 291591 292559 292946 295180 295566 297529 300400 304707 306931
             310638 313595 318449 319021 322082 323796 326266 326880 327249 329914
             334392 334575 336723 336734 338808 343269 346040 350113 353631 357154
             361633 361891 364889 365746 365749 366426 369156 369444 369689 372896
             374983 375223 379163 380712 385640 386777 388599 389450 390178 392943
             394742 395921 398644 398832 401149 402219 405364 408088 412901 417683
             422267 424767 426613 430474 433910 435054 440052 444630 447852 449116
             453865 457631 461750 462985 463328 466458 469601 473108 476773 477956
             481991 482422 486195 488359 489209 489388 491928 496569 496964 497901
             500877 502386 502715 507617 512526 512827 513796 518232 521455 524277
             528496 529345 531231 531766 535067 535183 536593 537360 539055 540582
             543708 547492 550779 551595 556493 558807 559102 562050 564962 569677
             570945 575447 579937 580112 580680 582458 583012 585395 586244 587393
             590483 593112 593894 594293 597525 598184 600455 600953 601523 605761
             608618 609198 610141 610536 612636 615233 618314 622752 626345 626632
             628889 629457 629643 633673 637656 641136 644176 644973 647617 652218
             657143 659902 662224 666265 668010 672480 672695 676868 677125 678315'''
    lista = lista.split()
    validos = []
    for indice in range(len(lista)):
        soma = 0
        ff = 0
        invalido = True
        elemento = list(lista[indice])
        soma = sum(map(int, elemento))
        for caractere in range(len(elemento) -1):
            proximoCaractere = caractere + 1    
            if (elemento[caractere] == elemento[proximoCaractere]) or (int(soma) % 2 != 0) or (elemento[0] == elemento[-1]):
                invalido = True
                invalido = False
        if invalido == False:       
    print ("Válidos: {0} / Original: {1}".format(len(validos), len(lista)))

    Functional example in .

    14.03.2015 / 15:41

    I found the question interesting and would like to complement it with a solution with a face OO.

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from itertools import tee
    class ListaTelefones(object):
        def __init__(self, lista_de_telefones):
            self.telefones = lista_de_telefones.split()
            self.telefones_validos = []
            self.telefones_invalidos = []
        def dois_a_dois(self, iterable):
            "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
            a, b = tee(iterable)
            next(b, None)
            return zip(a, b)
        def digitos_consecutivos_identicos(self, telefone):
            """ Não pode haver dois dígitos consecutivos idênticos,
                porque isso é chato. """
            return all([True if el1 != el2 else False
                       for el1, el2 in self.dois_a_dois(telefone)])
        def soma_digitos_e_par(self, telefone):
            """ A soma dos dígitos tem que ser par, porque isso é legal. """
            return sum(map(int, telefone)) % 2 == 0
        def primeiro_e_ultimo_digito_diferentes(self, telefone):
            """ O último dígito não pode ser igual ao primeiro,
                porque isso dá azar. """
            return telefone[0] != telefone[-1]
        def checar_validade(self, telefone):
            condicao1 = self.digitos_consecutivos_identicos(telefone)
            condicao2 = self.soma_digitos_e_par(telefone)
            condicao3 = self.primeiro_e_ultimo_digito_diferentes(telefone)
            return all([condicao1, condicao2, condicao3, ])
        def obter_telefones_validos(self):
            self.telefones_validos = []
            for li in self.telefones:
                if self.checar_validade(li):
        def imprimir_telefones(self):
            for li in self.telefones:
        def imprimir_telefones_validos(self):
            for li in self.telefones_validos:
        def contar_telefones(self):
        def contar_telefones_validos(self):
    lista = '''213752 216732 221063 221545 225583 229133 230648 233222 236043 237330
             239636 240138 242123 246224 249183 252936 254711 257200 257607 261424
             263814 266794 268649 273050 275001 277606 278997 283331 287104 287953
             289137 291591 292559 292946 295180 295566 297529 300400 304707 306931
             310638 313595 318449 319021 322082 323796 326266 326880 327249 329914
             334392 334575 336723 336734 338808 343269 346040 350113 353631 357154
             361633 361891 364889 365746 365749 366426 369156 369444 369689 372896
             374983 375223 379163 380712 385640 386777 388599 389450 390178 392943
             394742 395921 398644 398832 401149 402219 405364 408088 412901 417683
             422267 424767 426613 430474 433910 435054 440052 444630 447852 449116
             453865 457631 461750 462985 463328 466458 469601 473108 476773 477956
             481991 482422 486195 488359 489209 489388 491928 496569 496964 497901
             500877 502386 502715 507617 512526 512827 513796 518232 521455 524277
             528496 529345 531231 531766 535067 535183 536593 537360 539055 540582
             543708 547492 550779 551595 556493 558807 559102 562050 564962 569677
             570945 575447 579937 580112 580680 582458 583012 585395 586244 587393
             590483 593112 593894 594293 597525 598184 600455 600953 601523 605761
             608618 609198 610141 610536 612636 615233 618314 622752 626345 626632
             628889 629457 629643 633673 637656 641136 644176 644973 647617 652218
             657143 659902 662224 666265 668010 672480 672695 676868 677125 678315'''
    lista_telefones = ListaTelefones(lista_de_telefones=lista)


    14.03.2015 / 15:47