How to insert missing dates in a data frame?


I have a 30-year time series of data that has fill-in faults. As noted in the example below, some days were not recorded (1961-08-19-1961-08-20,1961-08-21 ...). How do I identify and insert the missing dates in the "date" column, assigning "NA" to the other columns on those dates when no monitoring was done?

date        id  prec    tmax    tmin    tmed    urmax
1961-08-18  1   NA      23.53   14.90   27.90   36.33
1961-08-22  1   0.00    24.80   14.90   29.70   31.67
1961-08-24  1   1.00    24.37   15.30   28.80   37.33
1961-08-25  1   0.00    23.93   16.03   29.20   43.67
1961-08-26  1   0.00    25.97   15.27   31.60   30.33
1961-08-27  1   0.00    25.83   14.97   31.20   29.33
1961-08-29  1   0.00    24.60   15.87   30.20   39.33
1961-08-30  1   0.00    25.60   15.83   29.80   34.00
asked by anonymous 29.03.2018 / 15:28

2 answers


One possible way is to create a data.frame with all possible dates:


all_dates <- data_frame(
  date = seq(from = ymd("1968-01-01"), to = ymd("2018-01-01"), by = "1 day")

And then give left_join with your data.frame:

df$date <- ymd(df$date)
df <- all_dates %>%
  left_join(df, by = "date")
29.03.2018 / 15:48

One option is to use the library default

dados <- structure(list(
       date = structure(c(-3058, -3054, -3052, -3051, -3050, -3049,
                          -3047, -3046), class = "Date"),
       id = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), 
       prec = c(NA, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
       tmax = c(23.53, 24.8, 24.37, 23.93, 25.97, 25.83, 24.6, 25.6),
       tmin = c(14.9, 14.9, 15.3, 16.03, 15.27, 14.97, 15.87, 15.83),
       tmed = c(27.9, 29.7, 28.8, 29.2, 31.6, 31.2, 30.2, 29.8),
       urmax = c(36.33, 31.67, 37.33, 43.67, 30.33, 29.33, 39.33, 34)),
  class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -8L))

pad applied on the interval: day
         date id prec  tmax  tmin tmed urmax
1  1961-08-18  1   NA 23.53 14.90 27.9 36.33
2  1961-08-19 NA   NA    NA    NA   NA    NA
3  1961-08-20 NA   NA    NA    NA   NA    NA
4  1961-08-21 NA   NA    NA    NA   NA    NA
5  1961-08-22  1    0 24.80 14.90 29.7 31.67
6  1961-08-23 NA   NA    NA    NA   NA    NA
7  1961-08-24  1    1 24.37 15.30 28.8 37.33
8  1961-08-25  1    0 23.93 16.03 29.2 43.67
9  1961-08-26  1    0 25.97 15.27 31.6 30.33
10 1961-08-27  1    0 25.83 14.97 31.2 29.33
11 1961-08-28 NA   NA    NA    NA   NA    NA
12 1961-08-29  1    0 24.60 15.87 30.2 39.33
13 1961-08-30  1    0 25.60 15.83 29.8 34.00
29.03.2018 / 18:53