Create a blank data.frame to receive results?


Suppose you want to create a blank data frame to receive the results of an adhesion test.


After the test, you have a vector with the results:<-c("Gumbel", 0.9105)

To include the test results in the data frame I used rbind :


In the result, x loses the names of the variables "Distribution" and "p-value", and x is:

XGumbel  X0.9105
 Gumbel   0.9105

How best to store these results or how can I get around the variable names?

asked by anonymous 01.12.2015 / 16:32

1 answer


The way you are doing now will bring problems.

See when you do: <- c("Gumbel", 0.9105)

You are transforming the number into text:
[1] "Gumbel" "0.9105"

Then in this part you would ideally work with a data.frame , for example, data.frame(Distribuição = "Gumbel", pvalue = 0.9105) .

That said, one way to merge results in this case is to work with lists. Go accumulating the results in a list and then add them all up by with rbind . For example:

set.seed(1) # apenas para tornar o exemplo reproduzível

lista <- list() # lista para armazenar resultados

for(i in 1:5){
  # salva resultados
  lista[[i]] <- data.frame(Distribuicao = sample(letters, 1), pvalue = runif(1))

# junta todos resultados"rbind", lista)

The part of with rbind can be replaced by functions of other packages such as bind_rows function dplyr or rbindlist data.table .

01.12.2015 / 16:50