I need to use php_openssl.dll
, but I do not have access to php.ini
, the server is foreign and the support is also difficult to access.
Is there any way to use it without entering php.ini
I need to use php_openssl.dll
, but I do not have access to php.ini
, the server is foreign and the support is also difficult to access.
Is there any way to use it without entering php.ini
Assuming that you are using apache and that you have permission to do so, it is possible through an .htaccess file with the following content:
#verifica se o módulo do PHP 5 para o apache foi carregado
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
#define o caminho para sua pasta de extensões
php_xtension_dir /caminh/absoluto/para/sua/pasta/de/extencoes/
#carrega os modulos
php_extension mbstring.so
php_extension openssl.so
php_extension libcurl.so
Command line:
The -d
parameter is used to set values in the file .ini
php -dextension=php_openssl.dll
This function has been removed since version 5.3
To load the extension at runtime, use the dl function:
if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) {
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
} else {