Is there any way to change a file in a tag?


I have a small problem in my repository: A file of the 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 tag needs to be changed.

In github I noticed that there is no such option to edit when you select a tag.

But is there any way to bypass this from the command line to change a file of a tag in git?

asked by anonymous 30.11.2015 / 14:38

2 answers


I agree with what the answer @CiganoMorrisonMendez and to complement, any problem there is even in the repository and that is corrected afterwards must be released in a new update so that the update flow of a software is correctly followed, imagine that someone has already downloaded the version 1.0.0 or 1.1.0 , then probably if you could edit some of them this would cause inconsistency for those already using the specific version.

Consider that each problem fix is already an update, so even minimal problems should also be part of x.x.x ( x.x.x.x ), even if the problem is in a repository file.

As the link , given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH ( x.x.x ), increase the:

/ p>

  • Larger version ( MAJOR ): when making incompatible changes in the API.
  • Minor version ( MINOR ): when adding features while maintaining compatibility.
  • Correction version ( PATCH ): when to fix faults while maintaining compatibility.

In case your problem is PATCH , then if the problem was in 1.0.0 and in 1.1.0 you should create a new 1.1.1 tag.

30.11.2015 / 14:50

No. If it did, the function would lose its meaning.

Tags serve to mark a point in the history of your code , such as a release of a stable version, and that is why no file can be modified.

This is not exclusive to Git. Other version controls such as CVS and SVN have the same functionality with the same features.

30.11.2015 / 14:41