How to Customize the Simple Paginator Arrows?


It is very good to use Laravel's paging, with a command if it does everything:




{!! $artigos->render !!}

And after that the pagination is generated.

But by default comes the PREV and NEXT arrows.

How to remove them and put Previous and Next ?

And by default this pagination is also customized with Bootstrap classes. But I'm not using bootstrap and this goes for other developers too who do not use.

asked by anonymous 26.11.2016 / 12:23

2 answers


There's a simple way this can be done. Since Laravel's Paginate is based on the Bootstrap theme, it is possible to change its values by str_replace() of PHP.

   $pagination = $artigos->render();
   $pagination = str_replace('&laquo;', 'POSTS RECENTES <i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i>', $pagination);
   $pagination = str_replace('&raquo;', '<i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i> MAIS POSTS', $pagination);

   echo $pagination;

This character &laquo; («) is the default left arrow that Laravel set to prev and the other character &raquo; (») the default to right.

Then just make a str_replace() , replacing the arrow by whatever we want, a button, previous , next .

20.12.2016 / 13:31

According to the documentation for Laravel 5.3 you can customize the view of the following form:

Running the artisan command to carry the default view of pagination to resources/views/vendor/pagination :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-pagination

From there, just edit the content HTML of your default.blade.php , which corresponds to the default pagination.

According to the documentation, you can customize your own features of view using the following methods:

$results->lastPage() (Not available when using simplePaginate)
$results->total() (Not available when using simplePaginate)
  • Note that in the case of your question, using simplePaginate() , some methods are not available!

For pagination in the Laravel 5.2 and earlier

It is enough that instead of using the render() method, do the following:

@include('paginacao.default', ['paginator' => $artigos]) //onde o primeiro parâmetro é o caminho da sua view

And customize it by creating your blade, for example:

@if ($paginator->lastPage() > 1)
<ul class="pagination">
    <li class="{{ ($paginator->currentPage() == 1) ? ' disabled' : '' }}">
        <a href="{{ $paginator->url(1) }}">Previous</a>
    @for ($i = 1; $i <= $paginator->lastPage(); $i++)
        <li class="{{ ($paginator->currentPage() == $i) ? ' active' : ''     }}">
            <a href="{{ $paginator->url($i) }}">{{ $i }}</a>
    <li class="{{ ($paginator->currentPage() == $paginator->lastPage()) ? ' disabled' : '' }}">
        <a href="{{ $paginator->url($paginator->currentPage()+1) }}" >Next</a>

Where for this release the available methods are:

$results->lastPage() (Not available when using simplePaginate)
$results->total() (Not available when using simplePaginate)
26.11.2016 / 12:46