Trying to fill an array with today's days up to thirty days from now


Hello everyone, I'm trying to fill an array with days from the current day until 30 days from now.

Here's a problem: if today is day 8, in 30 days it will be 38, but I want the count to go back to 1 from the maximum day of each month. To work around this, I'm trying to use the following logic:

//busca o dia de hoje e preenche o array com os dias de hoje + 30 dias
     var today = new Date();
     var dd = today.getDate();
     var somaTrinta = dd + 30;
     //vetor que possui o máximo de dias por cada mês
     var diasPorMes = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
     var mm = today.getMonth();
     var maximoDias = diasPorMes[mm];
     var i;

     for(i = dd; i < somaTrinta; i++) {
       if (i > maximoDias) {
         i = 1;

However, after inserting the if, the page no longer loads. I do not know what my mistake is, can someone help me? Thanks

asked by anonymous 08.08.2017 / 14:28

3 answers


Using only the Date instance of javascript is enough to get you the result you want.

var hoje = new Date(); // Crio uma data
hoje.setMonth(hoje.getMonth() +1); // aplico mais um mês

var dias = [];
//percorro os dias até chegar a dia do mês seguinte
for (var dia = new Date(); dia <= hoje; dia.setDate(dia.getDate() + 1)) {
    dias.push(dia.getDate()); //salvo em um array
08.08.2017 / 15:22

You can use setDate() to go changing a date object and then know the day with getDate() .

var dias = 30;
var hoje = new Date();
var primeiroDia = hoje.getDate();
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dias; i++) {
  hoje.setDate(primeiroDia + i)

Another way, following the same logic:

var data = new Date();
var hoje = data.getDate();
var array = [ Array(30)].map(
  (_, i) => (data.setDate(hoje + i), data.getDate())
08.08.2017 / 14:44

Another method to achieve this is to pick up year, month and day today, and make a loop by incrementing only the day. When you spend a day with date above the month, for example January 32, the Date constructor automatically changes:

//busca o dia de hoje e preenche o array com os dias de hoje + 30 dias
var hoje = new Date();
var ano = hoje.getFullYear();
var mes = hoje.getMonth();
var dia = hoje.getDate();
var dias = []; // array de dias
for(var i = dia; i <= dia + 30; i++) {
  dias.push(new Date(ano, mes, i));

See it working here: link

08.08.2017 / 15:00