Run command in python with selenium called by php through apache


I want to run the following script in Python through a web site on the server:

from selenium import webdriver 
elem1 = driver.find_element_by_link_text("call another page")

Apache is well configured and I used the page with the web site contains the following in php:

<!doctype html>
<title>Light Controller</title>

if (isset($_POST['LightON']))
echo exec('python');
if (isset($_POST['LightOFF']))
shell_exec("sudo python /var/www/");

<form method="post">
<button name="LightON">Light ON</button>&nbsp;
<button name="LightOFF">Light OFF</button><br><br>


What should I do?

asked by anonymous 29.05.2016 / 22:22

1 answer


I did not solve my problem in an easy way, so what I did was:

  • First I created a database with a table with two columns (id and number).

  • I then looped in python to get the value of 'number' in a specific id (0) and compare if that value changed, if this happens, pytho will run the web driver command.

  • Finally, I made a php script, inside an html page, to update this value on that specific id (0).

This is my code ...

The python final code:

#from __future__ import print_function #NAO NECESSARIO Estava No exemplo do PyMySQL,aparentemente nao necessario
import time	#Importa a função do delay
import pymysql #importa biblioteca para conexao com o python
from selenium import webdriver #biblioteca que me permite acessar o navegador 
conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', port=3306, user='root', passwd='samsung', db='tccdia')#string de conexao com o MySQL
status = 1 #defina essa variavel para funcionar como uma chave que impede a execução do webdriver assim que o script iniciar 
ValorReferencia = 1 #valor para verificar se o valor do DB foi altera
#chave = 0 #NAO NECESSARIO
while 1<2:
	cur = conn.cursor()
	cur.execute("SELECT numero FROM cw_lampada WHERE id = 0")
	result = cur.fetchone()#criei uma variavel para armazenar esse valor porque ele apaga 
	ValorAtual = result
	ValorAtual = ValorAtual[-1] # Tira aspas e virgulas Funcionou mas nao entendi o procedimento
	print ("valor atual: ",ValorAtual," tipo: " ,type(ValorAtual))		
	if status == 1:
	    ValorReferencia = ValorAtual
	    status = 0
	    #chave=1 #NAO NECESSARIO
	print ("valor referencia: ",ValorReferencia," tipo: " ,type(ValorReferencia))	    
	#if chave ==1: ##NAO NECESSARIO Maybe this if ins't necessary
	if ValorAtual != ValorReferencia :
		driver=webdriver.Firefox() #Abre o navegador em determinado endereco e abre link
		elem1 = driver.find_element_by_link_text("call another page")
		status = 1
		#chave = 0 #NAO NECESSARIO
	time.sleep(2) #tempo de espera	
#conn.close() #NAO NECESSARIO nao faria sentido ficar abrindo e fechando conexao se o tempo de reconexao eh curto

The MySQL database was something like:

create database tccdia;
use tccdia;
create table cw_lampada(
  id int primary key,
  numero int

And the HTML was:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="pt_BR">
	<meta charset="utf-8">
		require 'config.php';
		require 'connection.php'; #connection deve ser chamado anetes do database
		require 'database.php';	
<form action="" method="post">
         <input type="submit" value="Clicar" name="botao" style="width: 900px; height: 200px;">

         echo "botão foi clicado";
		 $numero = $numero+1;
		 $atualizar = array(
				'numero' => $numero
		DBUpdate('lampada', $atualizar, 'id=0'); 

Of course there are easier and more straightforward ways to solve this but that's what I did. I hope this solution helps others with the same problem.

08.01.2018 / 19:07