My rule is: If a value is in the thousands, I should put it like this:
1564 = 1K
345.786 = 345K
2345 = 2K
The same goes for the millions and so on. Well, the question is how to get only the values before the first point and so on ...
My rule is: If a value is in the thousands, I should put it like this:
1564 = 1K
345.786 = 345K
2345 = 2K
The same goes for the millions and so on. Well, the question is how to get only the values before the first point and so on ...
If you want a result without rounding you can use Regex:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; //não esqueça desse using
public class Program
public static void Main()
string valor = "1.564"; //valor declarado
string strRegex = "(\.*)"; //remove os pontos
valor = Regex.Replace(valor, strRegex, "");
strRegex = "(\,\d{2})"; //remove a parte decimal
valor = Regex.Replace(valor, strRegex, "");
strRegex = "\b(\d{1,3})\d{3}\b"; //regex para verificar se o numero esta na casa de milhar
if(Regex.Matches(valor, strRegex).Count > 0){
valor = Regex.Replace(valor, strRegex, "$1K");
strRegex = "\b(\d{1,3})\d{6}\b"; //regex para verificar se o numero esta na casa de milhão
if(Regex.Matches(valor, strRegex).Count > 0){
valor = Regex.Replace(valor, strRegex, "$1M");
strRegex = "\b(\d{1,3})\d{9}\b"; //etc...
if(Regex.Matches(valor, strRegex).Count > 0){
valor = Regex.Replace(valor, strRegex, "$1T");
strRegex = "\b(\d{1,3})\d{12}\b";
if(Regex.Matches(valor, strRegex).Count > 0){
valor = Regex.Replace(valor, strRegex, "$1Q");
Here's a test run on dotnetfiddle
Something like:
List<string> siglas = new List<string>() {
"K", // Kilo
"M", // Mega
"G", // Giga
"T", // Tera
"Y" // Yota
long numero = 102314124; // ou qualquer outro número
string resultado = numero.ToString();
while (numero > 1000 && siglas.Count > 0) {
numero /= 1000;
resultado = numero + siglas[0];
At the end of the loop, the string resultado
has what you want. Note that the loop ends abruptly if you run out of acronyms. You can add more acronyms if you wish.
You can do something like this:
public static void Main()
long[] numeros = {
1, 10, 100,
1000, 10000, 1000000, 125000, 125900,
1000000, 1250000, 1258000,
10000000, 10500000, 100000000, 100100000,
foreach (var numero in numeros)
public static string FormataNumero(long numero)
// Certifica-se de que o número tenha no máximo 3 dígitos significativos
// (nenhum arredondamento pode acontecer)
var i = (long)Math.Pow(10, (int)Math.Max(0, Math.Log10(numero) - 2));
numero = numero / i * i;
if (numero >= 1000000000)
return (numero / 1000000000D).ToString("0.##") + "B";
if (numero >= 1000000)
return (numero / 1000000D).ToString("0.##") + "M";
if (numero >= 1000)
return (numero / 1000D).ToString("0.##") + "K";
return numero.ToString("#,0");
Credits for this answer in SOen