I have this page that displays the emails received from the logged in user, along with their dates. I am trying to format date display by PHP but it is not working as I expected. I need the PT-BR date to appear in the first line, and in the second line the hour and the minute, but it is appearing according to the image. Can you help me ? Here is my code:
<? foreach ($resultado as &$rowmensagens) {
$datamensagem = $rowmensagens['dataenvio'];
$datamensagem = date("d/m/Y H:i:s", strtotime($datamensagem));
$horamensagem = date("H:i:s", strtotime($datamensagem));
$arr_msg = explode("/", $datamensagem);
$diamsg = $arr_msg[0];
$mesmsg = $arr_msg[1];
$anomsg = $arr_msg[2];
$arr_hora = explode(":", $horamensagem);
$hora_msg = $arr_hora[0];
$minuto_msg = $arr_hora[1]; ?>
NOTE: This formatting already worked on another occasion and I just copied the structure to that page. Thank you!