I can not concatenate a variable in a query


I have a URL and a code that will vary all the time (Ex: usuario/perfil/39 ).

I used the following code to get this value from the URL:

$valor_id =  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$cod =  explode("/",$valor_id);
$codigo = $cod[4];

So I need to use this code in a SELECT. I did so:

$sql = "SELECT tipo FROM users WHERE ID = " . $codigo;

And I had the following error:


Fatal error: Error executing query: SELECT type FROM users WHERE ID =   - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server for the right syntax to use   near '' at line 1 in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ parties \ registry \ mysqldb.class.php   online 243

When I do this:

$sql ="SELECT tipo FROM users WHERE ID = 36";

It works fine, so I believe the problem is in concatenating the variable in the query. Note: in BD, the type field is integer.

Part of the code that says the error occurs:

public function executeQuery( $queryStr )
    if( !$result = $this->connections[$this->activeConnection]->query( $queryStr ) )
        trigger_error('Error executing query: ' . $queryStr .' - '.$this->connections[$this->activeConnection]->error, E_USER_ERROR); //LINHA 243
        $this->last = $result;

asked by anonymous 14.10.2014 / 05:20

4 answers


You can check the output of your array this way:


This should give you a clear idea of what is being returned by the URL. As the URL can be changed by the user I recommend always testing if the value actually exists.

$valor_id =  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$cod =  explode("/",$valor_id);
$codigo = '-1';
if (count($cod) >= 3) {
  $codigo = end($cod); // Pega o ultimo valor do array

I also recommend clearing the variable before using it in the query:

$codigo = is_numeric($codigo) ? intval($codigo) : -1;

Finally, try using preparedStatements . In addition to making life much easier, they prevent a number of problems, such as SQL-Injection;

14.10.2014 / 13:40

Your code probably just needs this setting:

$codigo = $cod[3];

Reason: If you have a URL in the format


The variable $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; will contain /usuario/perfil/39 , so after explode you will have the following structure:

0 => ''          (valor antes da 1a barra)
1 => 'usuario'   (valor entre a 1a barra e a 2a)
2 => 'perfil'    (valor entre a 2a barra e a 3a)
3 => '39'        (valor após a 3a barra)
14.10.2014 / 05:32

Checks if the value of $ cod [4] is really the value you need. But if the ID is the last value of the URL, do so:

$valor_id =  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$cod =  explode("/",$valor_id);
$codigo = array_pop($cod);
14.10.2014 / 05:27

This url certainly uses Apache's Rewrite engine, so it's easier and more reliable to edit htaccess and do things like this:

RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z]+)/([a-zA-Z]+)/([0-9]+)$ page.php?usuario=$1&perfil=$2&id=$3

Then in the php file, just get $_GET['id'] . There will be no error.

If you do not have access to htaccess and you know that the id is always the last element of the url

$valor_id =  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$cod =  explode("/",$valor_id);

$ultimo = count($cod) - 1;

$codigo = $cod[$ultimo];

$limit = array("options" => array("min_range" => 1));

$id = (!empty($codigo)) ? filter_var($codigo, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $limit) : FALSE

   //executa pesquisa
   echo "ERRO";
14.10.2014 / 13:31