synchronize two screens


I'm starting to develop a rails calendar system and I have the following problem:

  • Let's say I have two screens open in the calendar:

    1.1 - First screen is opened on the doctor's computer.

    1.2 - Second screen is opened on the secretary's computer.

  • When the registry modifies something on the calendar screen, for example, it changes the patient status from "confirmed" to "Waiting room".

  • Automatically the physician's screen should be updated.

    3.1 It should be updated without the doctor giving "f5" on the page.

    3.2 This update should be automatic.

    3.3 And you should update only the patient status on the doctor's scheduling screen, not the entire screen.

  • My question would be, what tools will I need to do this?


    asked by anonymous 08.04.2015 / 14:47

    1 answer


    Websockets solve your problem.

    It's a bit old, but this Railscasts explains how to implement:


    08.04.2015 / 21:55