Column Charts (Bootstrap)


I'm developing a system that needs to display column graphics.

The system is using Bootsrap and MVC 4 C #.

Can anyone tell me if there is any framework for creating graphics?

asked by anonymous 17.06.2014 / 17:30

2 answers


Have a present at ASP.NET MVC that makes column charts easily ( it also has the other templates ). No System.Web.Helpers.Chart you create an instance and work with the data in that class .


In your View put this code snippet:

<img src="@Url.Action("Imagem", "Estudo")" border="0" />

And in the Controller this method:

public void Imagem()
    ICollection<Grafico> grafico = new List<Grafico>(){
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 1", Soma = 500M},
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 2", Soma = 100M},
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 3", Soma = 200M},
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 4", Soma = 300M},
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 5", Soma = 400M},
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 5", Soma = 100M}

    System.Web.Helpers.Chart ch = 
                new System.Web.Helpers.Chart(500, 400, ChartTheme.Blue);
        name: "Campo",
        chartType: "Column",
        axisLabel: "Campo",
        xField: "Campo",
        yFields: "Soma",
        xValue: grafico.Select(x => x.Titulo).ToArray(),
        yValues: grafico.Select(x => x.Soma).ToArray()



With DotNet.Highcharts , download the installation package at Package Management Console with the command:

PM> Install-Package DotNet.Highcharts

In the View:

Obs: Set your View this way.

@model DotNet.Highcharts.Highcharts
    Layout = null;

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
    <script src="~/Scripts/highcharts.js"></script>

In the Controller this method:

public ActionResult Grafico()
    ICollection<Grafico> grafico = new List<Grafico>(){
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 1", Soma = 500M},
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 2", Soma = 100M},
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 3", Soma = 200M},
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 4", Soma = 300M},
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 5", Soma = 400M},
        new Grafico(){ Titulo = "Campo 6", Soma = 100M}

    DotNet.Highcharts.Highcharts chart = new DotNet.Highcharts.Highcharts("chart")
    .InitChart(new DotNet.Highcharts.Options.Chart
        DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Column,
        MarginRight = 130,
        MarginBottom = 25,
        ClassName = "chart"
    .SetXAxis(new XAxis
        Categories = grafico.Select(x => x.Titulo).ToArray()
    }).SetSeries(new Series
        Data = new Data(grafico.Select(x => (object)x.Soma).ToArray())
    chart.SetTitle(new Title() { Text = "Campos" });
    chart.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions() { Bar = new PlotOptionsBar() { ShowInLegend = true, Visible = true } });            

    return View(chart);


17.06.2014 / 20:03

There are some. I'll put some of them to you:

Or, further, the following list of packages can be useful:


17.06.2014 / 17:40