Inform field value TFDAutoIncField using FDQuery


Hello, MySQL Utilities and I am migrating my Delphi 2007 + Zeos project to Delphi Berlin + FireDAC (big change eim) and due to some business rules, MySQL auto increment fields can be informed by the user. ex: The productID field is a bigint (20) not null autoinc , but due to government rules this field can be populated manually by the client, in Zeos this was not a problem, and that's it.

In the FireDAC autoinc fields are not listed in the Insert SQL in FDUpdateSQL. To manually enter the value in the field I have to change the ServerAutoIncrement and ClientAutoIncrement properties to False and manually include the field in the Insert SQL, but whenever I need to create a new field in the table I will have to worry about including the Insert SQL field , besides being subject to failures this approach has the whole face of a POG.

I would like to know the correct configuration (FDQuery, Field and FDUpdateSQL) to have an AutoInc field and still be able to inform it manually when needed.

asked by anonymous 21.12.2016 / 20:44

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