SQL query with 2 subselects for query lambda (or linq)

select fieldA from TableA
where fieldA = 459249 and
fieldB in (
    select FieldC
    from TableB
    where FieldD in
        select cte.FieldE
        from TableC cte
        where key= 'ABDC123'

I got to the point below, the project does not compile:

TableA.Where(x => x.FieldA == 459249)
   .Select(x => x.FieldA .Contains(TableB.Select(i => i.FieldB).Contains
    TableC.Where(c => c.FieldC== "ABDC123").Select(c => c.FieldD).ToString()
asked by anonymous 11.07.2014 / 17:56

2 answers


This because Select brings a field that is not exactly IEnumerable . Contains only exists for IEnumerable s.

First, replace the first two Select with SelectMany (which joins all the selected elements in a IEnumerable ).

Try not to use Contains out of Where . In this case, Intersect works best.

TableA.Where(x => x.FieldA == 459249)
      .SelectMany(x => x.FieldA).Intersect(TableB
                  .SelectMany(i => i.FieldB)
                            .Where(c => c.FieldC == "ABDC123")
                            .Select(c => c.FieldD))
11.07.2014 / 19:05

I believe that this way you can achieve:

var resultado = from tableA in TableA
join tableB in TableB on tableA.FieldB equals tableB.FieldC
join tableC in TableC on tableB.FieldD equals TableC.FieldE
where tableA.FieldA == 459249 && tableC.key = "ABDC123"
select tableA.FieldA;

Note: I have not been able to test this code yet.

11.07.2014 / 19:12