Error apache = get overlap result error


I have an apache error that I can not fix, in the php log no error is reported only in apache.

Has anyone identified anything like this? Below the apache log:


[Mon Jan 05 10:20:26 2015] [warn] [client] (OS 109) The pipe   was finalized. : mod_fcgid: get overlap result error


[Thu Jan 15   16:51:06 2015] [error] [client] Premature end of script   headers: processNotes.php

asked by anonymous 16.01.2015 / 14:37

1 answer


See if adding this to your vhosts.conf solves your problem:

<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
  # 5 minutes for IO timeout, default is 40 seconds
  FcgidIOTimeout 300
16.01.2015 / 14:42