Excel tabs that have been saved in html: how to take it up


I made a spreadsheet in excel with several tabs and then saved in html because I want to use it on my site. The tabs on the worksheet are at the bottom, the site user would have to scroll down to change the tab you want, I'd like the tabs to be placed inside my html page. Thanks,

asked by anonymous 14.09.2018 / 01:25

1 answer


When saving to HTML format, HTML is generated with a frameset of two rows , in the pattern below:

<frameset rows="*,39" border=0 width=0 frameborder=no framespacing=0>
 <frame src="bar_arquivos/sheet001.htm" name="frSheet">
 <frame src="bar_arquivos/tabstrip.htm" name="frTabs" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0>
   <p>Esta página usa quadros, mas o seu navegador não dá suporte para eles.</p>

The first frame is the page where the contents of the tabs are displayed, and the second the page with the tab code ( tabstrip.htm ).

To change the position, simply reverse the order of the frames and also invert the *,39 , getting 39,* (the 39 value means the height in pixels of the frame).

Then it would look like this:

<frameset rows="39,*" border=0 width=0 frameborder=no framespacing=0>
 <frame src="bar_arquivos/tabstrip.htm" name="frTabs" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0>
 <frame src="bar_arquivos/sheet001.htm" name="frSheet">
   <p>Esta página usa quadros, mas o seu navegador não dá suporte para eles.</p>
14.09.2018 / 02:40