Error in averaging from inmet data using a Fortran program


I'm starting in Fortran, and I set up the following program to get the 4th column of data from an INMET data file. The calculated mean being 0 (zero). Could someone tell me where the error is in the program?

program inmet

implicit none

integer, parameter    :: M=760, N=18   !Há 760 linhas e 18 colunas
character (4)         :: id            !Diz que o numero da estação é um string, com 4 itens.
real, dimension (M,N) :: dados         !Declaração de matriz
integer               :: i
real                  :: media


do i = 1,M
   read(10,*) id, dados(i,:)
end do

media = sum(dados (:,4))/real(M)

write(20,'(a,f6.2)') "A média de temperaturas é", media

end program

An example of the start of the INMET txt file follows (comma-delimited), and the first column is the weather station code:


And my output (in txt) is coming out like this:

A média de temperaturas é  0.00

From now on I thank anyone who can enlighten me

asked by anonymous 22.08.2018 / 21:15

1 answer


One of the problems is in the read(10,*) command, because * indicates that you are doing a list-directed reading, and this type of reading is not the ideal for question data because of different data types ( string and numbers).

Another problem is that you are trying to read the date (type string ) for the first position of the dados array, which is a real type (incompatible).

One possible (and simple) way to solve these problems is to declare a variable to store the date (type character (len=10) ):

character (len=10)    :: dt          ! a data

and, in the command read , indicate the formatting according to the data of the file:

read(10,'(a4,1x,a10,1x,f6.0,3f6.1,3f6.0,7f6.1,f6.0,3f6.3)') id, dt, dados(i,:)

The changed program looks like this (with the variable M changed to 8, depending on the question):

program inmet

    implicit none

    integer, parameter    :: M=8, N=18   !Há 760 linhas e 18 colunas
    character (len=4)     :: id          !Diz que o numero da estação é um string, com 4 itens.
    character (len=10)    :: dt          !a data
    real, dimension (M,N) :: dados       !Declaração de matriz
    integer               :: i
    real                  :: media


    do i = 1,M
       read(10,'(a4,1x,a10,1x,f6.0,3f6.1,3f6.0,7f6.1,f6.0,3f6.3)') id, dt, dados(i,:)
    end do

    media = sum(dados (:,4))/real(M)

    write(20,'(a,f6.2)') "A média de temperaturas é", media

end program inmet

After execution, the output file inmet_media_out.txt contains the result (for the data entered in the question):

A média de temperaturas é 28.31

Another way, if the formatting of the data is not stable, would read the entire line as a string and then separate the fields ( parser ) with the command index .

25.08.2018 / 03:37