I have a table that simulates a tree. For example:
DECLARE @t TABLE(id int,parentId int,name varchar(max));
insert @t select 1, 0 ,'Category1'
insert @t select 2, 0, 'Category2'
insert @t select 3, 1, 'Category3'
insert @t select 4 , 2, 'Category4'
insert @t select 5 , 1, 'Category5'
insert @t select 6 , 2, 'Category6'
insert @t select 7 , 3, 'Category7'
My goal is to pick up each FAT (idparent = 0), and for each branch that parent has sequentially list all children to the lowest level. For this I used this code
WITH tree (id, parentid, level, name , rn) as
SELECT id, parentid, 0 as level, name,
right(row_number() over (order by id),10) rn
WHERE parentid = 0
SELECT c2.id, c2.parentid, tree.level + 1, tree.name + ' - ' +c2.name,
FROM @t c2
INNER JOIN tree ON tree.id = c2.parentid
Making a select to tree is returned to me:
id parentid level name rn
1 0 0 Category1 1
2 0 0 Category2 2
4 2 1 Category2 - Category4 2
6 2 1 Category2 - Category6 2
3 1 1 Category1 - Category3 1
5 1 1 Category1 - Category5 1
7 3 2 Category1 - Category3 - Category7 1
My question now arises as to what I really want. From this select I only need the lines with IDS 7, 6, 4 and 6. In other words, for each RN I always want the lowest levels. But I do not know how to get those values. Can someone help me? (I'm using SQL Server)
id parentid name
4 2 Category2 - Category4
6 2 Category2 - Category6
5 1 Category1 - Category5
7 3 Category1 - Category3 - Category7