How do I change the text in unity3d with a script that I can not remove?


I have a problem with unity3d and I do not know how to solve it.

I have a certain script

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class CharacterSelector : MonoBehaviour


    private Text bio1 = null;
    private Text data2 = null;
    private Text name = null;
    private Text subname = null;
    private GameObject[] characterList;
    private int index;

    private void Start()
        characterList = new GameObject[transform.childCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++)
            characterList[i] = transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
            foreach (GameObject f in characterList)
                if (characterList[0])

    public void ToggleLeft()
        //desligar o modelo atual
        if (index < 0)
            index = characterList.Length - 1;
        //ligar o modelo atual

    public void ToggleRight()
        //desligar o modelo atual
        if (index == characterList.Length)
            index = 0;
        //ligar o modelo atual

    public void COnfirmButton()
        if (index == 0) 
        if (index == 1) 

    public void ChangeText() 
        if (index == 0) 
            name.text = "Mac Logan";
            subname.text = "O coração valente";

This script is linked to a gameobject that has the characters of the game depending on each one the biography and specifications will change. This can be seen in the Public void COnfirmButton.

So how do I change a text depending on the characters that are appearing?

The part of [SerializeField] to private Text subname = null ; I saw it in a tutorial but it did not work out.

asked by anonymous 06.10.2016 / 15:49

1 answer


You have to get the text component using

Text descricao = GetComponent<Text>()

Or declare a variable

public Text descricao;

And in the editor, associate the text component that will be changed to the field. Then just write descricao.text = "Texto a ser mudado" .

Now, to put a different text for each character, you need a component in the gameobject of the character.

Create a Script with a name like " InfoPersonagem ", and declare a "description" string and enter the text you want. Then just put:

descricao.text = characterList[index].GetComponent<InfoPersonagem>().descricao ;

03.11.2016 / 14:02