Error in plot.window (...): need finite 'ylim' values


I have a continuous variable whose n=15000 remarks and displays 451 NA's. When running qqnorm to evaluate the normality, I verified that it does not present normality and so I applied a logarithmic transformation. However, when running qqnorm with the log-transformed variable, the graph was not plotted and the following error message appeared:

Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values

Below the script in the order explained above:

> summary(data1$microalb)
Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.     NA's 
0.0000   0.3474   0.5042   1.3220   0.8426 308.0000      451 

> qqnorm(data1$microalb) # inspecionando a normalidade
> log.microalb=log(data1$microalb) # aplicando transformação logarítmica
> qqnorm(log.microalb, main="Q-Q Plot - Log microalb", xlab="Quantis Teóricos", ylab= "Quantis Observados")

I deleted the NA's from the variable, but the error persisted, so probably the problem is not in the missings. What could be making qqnorm generation with log-transformed data impossible?

NOTE: I applied the same transformation to other variables and there was no problem, just that.

asked by anonymous 07.09.2017 / 14:06

1 answer


The minimum of data1$microalb is zero. Therefore, log(min(data1$microalb)) = -Inf . Rotate summary(log.microalb) to confirm this.

Delete the infinite information from your data set. A common way to do this is to add 1 to the vector that must be plotted, because log(1) = 0 . Therefore,

qqnorm(log.microalb+1, main="Q-Q Plot - Log microalb", 
  xlab="Quantis Teóricos", ylab= "Quantis Observados")

It should solve your problem.

If you just want to remove infinite observations from your data set, run


although this solution is not the most common in the literature. The most used procedure is just the previous one, adding 1 to the data.

07.09.2017 / 14:19