I'm trying to get the user's Facebook cover logged in, but I'm not succeeding.
FB.api('/me', function(fb){
var email = fb.email;
var nasc = fb.birthday;
var nome = fb.name;
var genero = fb.gender;
var local = fb.hometown;
var idUser = fb.id;
FB.api('/'+idUser+'?fields=source', function(resp){
return false;
I'm doing as it is in the Facebook documentation, but it does not work.
Object {error: Object} error: Object code: 100 message: "(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (source) on node type (User)" type: "OAuthException"
I have. I put cover in the Parameter. But you do not have it in Doc. Or I read it wrong.
FB.api('/'+idUser+'/?fields=cover', function(resp){
return false;